ugh, what a nightmare! so i received my keys for my new apartment from my landlord today. i spent all day packing up my stuff and loading up my car. when i got to my apartment , it was a total wreck. a window is broken, the other windows have been painted while they were open and now they can't be shut, the whole place smelled like cat piss, somone had ripped the air conditioner out of the wall leaving a gaping hole, flys were buzzing all over the place, all of the doors had been taken off their hinges and were stacked on the ground, they installed new carpet but left shit all over the place, random pieces of carpet were lying everywhere. i called my landlord and she was like, "oh right, maintenace was supposed to repair all that stuff today. i'll send somebody over right away. two hours later nobody has shown up, so i called my landlord again. this time she didn't pick up the phone. i left her a message and told her i want a new apartment, but surprisingly she hasn't returned my call. this sucks!!!!