Hey all
Haven't Posted in ages due to some adventuring, lots going on with stag weekends, birthdays, weddings and gigs
It's been Pretty amazing if im to be honest, went to Tallinn with the guys for my mate oz's stag do, its an Awesome place!
I'll have to up loead some photos
then there has been parties and the weddings of cause, really great days out with wonderful friends, there were photos of possibly one pf the coolest looking halloween wedding receptions
any excuse to wear stage make up ha ha
Then theres the gigs
I started playing in a cool and really fun band, christened 'The Ratatouille Boys (and girl)' courtesy of the wonderful Musty from the trumpet jazz club, its a new thing for me, lots of great plyers, new tracks and loads of fun!
Anyway enough talking to myself
Have a great week
Much love

Haven't Posted in ages due to some adventuring, lots going on with stag weekends, birthdays, weddings and gigs

It's been Pretty amazing if im to be honest, went to Tallinn with the guys for my mate oz's stag do, its an Awesome place!

Then theres the gigs

Anyway enough talking to myself
Have a great week
Much love