I guess it's been a while since Easter.
my computer has melted down. i'm not sure what's wrong with it. it won't even turn on anymore. but i'm holding out for it to spontaneously fix itself. i really don't feel like bringing it in somewhere to fix it.
and i don't want to lose all my files and songs
that happened two years ago...
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my computer has melted down. i'm not sure what's wrong with it. it won't even turn on anymore. but i'm holding out for it to spontaneously fix itself. i really don't feel like bringing it in somewhere to fix it.
and i don't want to lose all my files and songs

that happened two years ago...
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Hi, Dysan, i`m Noelle.

hi. are you still alive?
well i'm all alone this weekend. my boyfriend has gone home. i think i'm going stir crazy!
i haven't started talking to myself yet though, so that's a good sign.
i don't know if i could ever live alone. i kept waking up last night to make sure i was the only one here.
my plan for tonight: get drunk and pass out so that...
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i haven't started talking to myself yet though, so that's a good sign.
i don't know if i could ever live alone. i kept waking up last night to make sure i was the only one here.
my plan for tonight: get drunk and pass out so that...
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i'm the same way, i hate sleeping in a house alone, i always think someone is going to break in and kill me.
too many horror movies.
too many horror movies.

*hugz* aww, poor dysan.
Iz is alone too. but busy so I dont notice, bah.
Hopes ur boy comes back soon, hehe.
Iz is alone too. but busy so I dont notice, bah.
Hopes ur boy comes back soon, hehe.

oooh. i've just been invited to a slumber party next weekend. complete with board games and junk food. i haven't been to a sleep over in years. i'm almost done university, but i seem to be reverting back to junior high!
i'm excited though!
i don't go out enough with my friends so this should be good for me. and i'll get to meet new...
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i'm excited though!
i don't go out enough with my friends so this should be good for me. and i'll get to meet new...
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I started off in english but ended up only doing a minor in it. I really did not like university english classes as they throw so many novels at you that you have to start reading for plot. I found it hard to enjoy so decided to focus my studies elsewhere!
I study art history which requires no creativity at all, just criticism and art appreciation! I wish I was more artistic but for now I'm stuck enjoying other peoples' works of art!
I have applied to do my masters at Mcgill in art history and I'll find out in April if I'm accepted.
Are you originally from Ottawa? What do you think of the city?
I study art history which requires no creativity at all, just criticism and art appreciation! I wish I was more artistic but for now I'm stuck enjoying other peoples' works of art!
I have applied to do my masters at Mcgill in art history and I'll find out in April if I'm accepted.
Are you originally from Ottawa? What do you think of the city?
I really liked Norewgian Wood. The very end confused me a bit, but I found the rest of it beautiful and resonant. I could really see alot of myself and my ex-fiance in the characters. (she gave me the book recently)
man am i ever glad it's reading week.
it's just too bad that everyone else's was last week.
i'm thinking about teaching english overseas when i graduate next year. i'm trying to look into it now but i'm not sure where to find information about which agencies are reputable.
does anyone know of companies or websites that are good for this kind of info?
it's just too bad that everyone else's was last week.
i'm thinking about teaching english overseas when i graduate next year. i'm trying to look into it now but i'm not sure where to find information about which agencies are reputable.
does anyone know of companies or websites that are good for this kind of info?
A few of my good friends teach english in China...
I love the pics you posted of the dog and cat.. Made me LMAO
I love the pics you posted of the dog and cat.. Made me LMAO

Why dont u teach here in Mexico!?!?!?!

So I haven't been around for a while. school is making everything else take a backseat.
i went to the vagina monologues at school on friday. it was very good. i wish it was on all the time. i bought my bf a chocolate vagina lollipop.
saturday was our 2 year anniversary. he cooked me dinner. it was cute. we had a lot of wine....
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i went to the vagina monologues at school on friday. it was very good. i wish it was on all the time. i bought my bf a chocolate vagina lollipop.
saturday was our 2 year anniversary. he cooked me dinner. it was cute. we had a lot of wine....
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congrats on 2 years that is quite a feat these days
i'm glad everything is going well for you dysan, congrats on your two year anniversary. good to see you back


well i didn't end up going to the party of the year. it's ok. there's another one next weekend.
i've been at my computer all weekend. i'm starting to feel ill. i'm trying to finish three papers. so far i'm almost done 2. i don't think i'll get the third done tonight.
Ok. so my boyfried is on this campus dating site (campuskiss.com). he said...
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i've been at my computer all weekend. i'm starting to feel ill. i'm trying to finish three papers. so far i'm almost done 2. i don't think i'll get the third done tonight.
Ok. so my boyfried is on this campus dating site (campuskiss.com). he said...
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dysan where have u gone, u disi-appeared...

hey you, just wanted to say hi. haven't heard from you in awhile so just checking in. hope everything is well.

Yea Friday! the weekend starts now. although not too many other people start their weekend now which leads to me being bored and spending way too much time on this site
oh well. there are worse ways to spend my time.
there's a party tonight, "the party of the year" apparently. but none of my friends want to go with me. damn friends choosing to...
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there's a party tonight, "the party of the year" apparently. but none of my friends want to go with me. damn friends choosing to...
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So you're pretty new on the site, huh? I've started seeing some of your comments around, and you seem pretty cool. Plus, you're friends with rin, and she's all right by me.
So how did the party turn out?
So how did the party turn out?
Who does school work on a Friday night? Everyone knows homework is best left for 2am Sunday night.
Haven't heard that band or song, I'll look into it though!

Haven't heard that band or song, I'll look into it though!
Well my paper is done. but i have 2 more next week. it's so weird being back in school again and taking a full course load. i'm not really enjoying it.
although i do like the part where i get to stay up really really late and sleep in the next morning. that part's not so bad.
although i do like the part where i get to stay up really really late and sleep in the next morning. that part's not so bad.

thank you for the compliment on my new hole. i love it. it hurt about as much as getting my earlobes pierced did.
i looove dangerous angels. i would send you wasteland if you'd promise to send it back. i even got it in hardcover. have you read i was a teenage fairy? i love that one too.
thank you for the compliment on my new hole. i love it. it hurt about as much as getting my earlobes pierced did.
i looove dangerous angels. i would send you wasteland if you'd promise to send it back. i even got it in hardcover. have you read i was a teenage fairy? i love that one too.

if someone sent a book to me, it would get lost forever. i'm
one of those people too. but it's sooooo good. you must run out and get it.
haha. you're right. defrag is a great word.
one of those people too. but it's sooooo good. you must run out and get it.
haha. you're right. defrag is a great word.
fucking papers.
anyone want to read it?
anyone want to read it?

yes, sure. even if it's on something boring like um. gum patterns underneath desks in a grade 4 class.
haha, what was your paper actually on?
So i was fine yesterday morning from the drinking, but i got a call really early from my mom.
apparently my uncle died the other night.
my uncle wasn't healthy, but no one was expecting him to die. he had diabetes since he was a kid and it was getting worse lately i guess. they had to amputate his leg above the knee several months...
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apparently my uncle died the other night.
my uncle wasn't healthy, but no one was expecting him to die. he had diabetes since he was a kid and it was getting worse lately i guess. they had to amputate his leg above the knee several months...
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I'm sorry hon. Abrupt things like that are never cool, *hugs* if any virtual consolation like that helps.
On a slightly lighter note: Yea, we have Witchcraft at my school too. Except everyone and their mother always takes it so soon so it's hard to get into.
But yea, I hopes you have a good next week nonetheless..
On a slightly lighter note: Yea, we have Witchcraft at my school too. Except everyone and their mother always takes it so soon so it's hard to get into.
But yea, I hopes you have a good next week nonetheless..

hey i know how it feels to lose at relative especially when it's sudden and unexpected. i couldn't go to my grandpa's funneral due to exams. i felt bad.
[Edited on Jan 26, 2004 11:06PM]
[Edited on Jan 26, 2004 11:06PM]
i'm getting friends! this is exciting! thanx friends!
i went to a party tonight. it was fun. i'm pretty drunk right now.
there was a guy with shrooms. they were in his hat. he kept eating them out of his hat, but he didn't offer them to anyone else. i thought that was not cool.
but i prolly didn't need them anyways.
i love...
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i'm getting friends! this is exciting! thanx friends!

i went to a party tonight. it was fun. i'm pretty drunk right now.
there was a guy with shrooms. they were in his hat. he kept eating them out of his hat, but he didn't offer them to anyone else. i thought that was not cool.
but i prolly didn't need them anyways.

i love...
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hey dynsan, sounds like you had a fun night. how are you feeling today ? i lived in ottawa for 2 years back in 1990, cool place. anyways have a great day


Hehe, yes mushrooms.. very crazy. The man in the hat should have shared what a meany. Well at least u had a kick ass time, hope your feelin ok today.

well. i didn't get my chest pierced. but i'm still thinking about it. i did go in to get a consultation though. i think that might have scared me a bit more. i shouldn't have asked if it hurt..
but i did get my nose pierced instead. not quite as exciting. but i'm waiting impatiently for 2-3 months until it heals so i can put...
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but i did get my nose pierced instead. not quite as exciting. but i'm waiting impatiently for 2-3 months until it heals so i can put...
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Ya, the ring would look kick ass.
I like it regardless, but nose rings rawk.

solve that rubik's cube, please.
in photo three it
sits unfinished
begging for completion.
one lonely row of white.
[Edited on Jan 23, 2004 6:05PM]
in photo three it
sits unfinished
begging for completion.
one lonely row of white.
[Edited on Jan 23, 2004 6:05PM]