Today started with intestinal blockage (lovely). I figured that it was leading up to be a shitty day. But I was suprised. I got a lot of work done. After lunch my District Manager joked to my coworkers, "Okay everybody, Jo's back. You can all go home!". That made me feel good. I've been wanting him to notice my efforts at work.
James and I planned on going to Camalia, but it turned out that he was the one with the shitty day. So we stayed in and I made waffles.
I got an ambiguous letter from my mom's insurance. I don't know if it was saying that I owe them money or they owe me money. I'll have to call them tomorrow.
Q: What do I want?
A: To be sharply dressed.
Q: What was my happiest moment today?
A: Fumbling with James belt buckle in the bathroom and him leaning on me on the kitchen floor.
Mantra for the day day:
Enjoy yourself, its later than you think.
James and I planned on going to Camalia, but it turned out that he was the one with the shitty day. So we stayed in and I made waffles.
I got an ambiguous letter from my mom's insurance. I don't know if it was saying that I owe them money or they owe me money. I'll have to call them tomorrow.
Q: What do I want?
A: To be sharply dressed.
Q: What was my happiest moment today?
A: Fumbling with James belt buckle in the bathroom and him leaning on me on the kitchen floor.
Mantra for the day day:
Enjoy yourself, its later than you think.