(Obviously, these blogs aren't being read. That's fine. I think I'll use them more as a diary...but don't expect anything juicy. I'm rather boring.)
Today I went to work and had to fix something my assistant manager did last week. It involved lying to a customer, which I hate doing. It was an alright day at Kinko's, and good for me: I worked 8 full hours (instead of my scheduled 7.5). I came home and watched Oprah. She was inverviewing people with terminal cancer. It was a very touching and inspiring show. I laid down on the bed and bawled for about fifteen minutes. I felt it in my stomach; it felt really good.
Later, the boy and I polished off the left over chili and watched Ringu 2. We both fought over who would get to play sudoku on my DS. He got to play first. I played second. He's playing again as I write this.
Q: What do I want?
A: To be Kris Carr. One of the people on Oprah today. A woman with cancer who's living a beautiful and whole life inspite of her illness.
Q: What was my happiest moment today?
A: The deep cry I had.
Mantra for the day day:
It doesn't matter if you acheive your dreams; just work on aceiving them.
(I sound like a self-help book. Good thing nobody reads my blog.)
Today I went to work and had to fix something my assistant manager did last week. It involved lying to a customer, which I hate doing. It was an alright day at Kinko's, and good for me: I worked 8 full hours (instead of my scheduled 7.5). I came home and watched Oprah. She was inverviewing people with terminal cancer. It was a very touching and inspiring show. I laid down on the bed and bawled for about fifteen minutes. I felt it in my stomach; it felt really good.
Later, the boy and I polished off the left over chili and watched Ringu 2. We both fought over who would get to play sudoku on my DS. He got to play first. I played second. He's playing again as I write this.
Q: What do I want?
A: To be Kris Carr. One of the people on Oprah today. A woman with cancer who's living a beautiful and whole life inspite of her illness.
Q: What was my happiest moment today?
A: The deep cry I had.
Mantra for the day day:
It doesn't matter if you acheive your dreams; just work on aceiving them.
(I sound like a self-help book. Good thing nobody reads my blog.)
I read, even if I don't comment.