Got a big ass raise at work (plus a bonus!). I got $15,000 from my mom's life insurance. I'm not sure what to do with my the money, but I'll probably open up a high interest bank account while I figure it out. Going to see Body Worlds on Saturday. My grandma's coming next weekend and we're going to visit my Mom's grave. I got some sad news that my friends' dad back in Toledo killed himself... Did you know that Oregon's suicide rate is 42% higher than the national average? I think it has something to do with the weather.
The weather's bringing out my allergies. James has been allergy-y as well. Ugh, I'm feeling the winter "get-this-season-off-of-me!" blues... It sucks my soul out through my socks. But, no worries I'll deal with depression the proper way: by over-eating starchy comfort foods and hibernating.
The weather's bringing out my allergies. James has been allergy-y as well. Ugh, I'm feeling the winter "get-this-season-off-of-me!" blues... It sucks my soul out through my socks. But, no worries I'll deal with depression the proper way: by over-eating starchy comfort foods and hibernating.