Mom's doing great. Once she's in rehab she'll probably feel differently, but for now she's in a very good mood. I forgot that when her leg first started giving her trouble years ago, she decorated the crutches she had to use. A couple of years ago she broke her hip and accessorized her walker with bicycle a basket, horn and handle bar tassels. I'm sure her prothstetic will be leopard print or sequined. Mom is a feisty little lady and she'll do just fine.
On the other hand, I can't tell you how much of a bastard my dad has been about this whole thing. I love him dearly and he's usually a VERY sympathetic man, but he's has no compassion for my mother. When I told him that her leg was going to be amputated his reaction was: "Don't get me wrong, your mom is just another person to me-- and I feel bad for her, but I'm more concerned of what this is going to do to you." When I asked what he meant he said that he hoped that she wouldn't make me take care of her. I told him that that wouldn't happen-- that she wouldn't even ask me to do that. He said, "yeah... we'll see." And later he told me not to let my mom's amputation get me down. Tonight when I came home from the hospital I wanted to talk about my mom's condition. He told me he wanted to change the subject because she's just another person to him.
GOD! The man will let me lament for an hour and a half about cramps, but bring up my mother and he has no patience. And I know it isn't that he's just uncomfortable with the medical stuff. When his wife's mother was going through breast cancer and had a mastectomy, that old woman was the most important thing on his mind. Not because he loves his mother-in-law so much, but because she was his wife's mother! I know Dad doesn't think Mom has one redeeming quality, I know they had a terrible marraige, but she is an incredibly important person to me. He could fain sympathy for my sake!
If the shoe were on the other foot, (so to speak) and he was the one with the amputated limb, my mother would be very concerned. Thank God for my step-mom. She wanted to know how my mom was doing and asked me questions. She knows what its like to have a sick mother in the hospital.
On a completely different note, I saw what maybe the best campy movie ever: The Mesmerist. Stupid and hi-larious. I only hope Snakes on a Plane is that good.
On the other hand, I can't tell you how much of a bastard my dad has been about this whole thing. I love him dearly and he's usually a VERY sympathetic man, but he's has no compassion for my mother. When I told him that her leg was going to be amputated his reaction was: "Don't get me wrong, your mom is just another person to me-- and I feel bad for her, but I'm more concerned of what this is going to do to you." When I asked what he meant he said that he hoped that she wouldn't make me take care of her. I told him that that wouldn't happen-- that she wouldn't even ask me to do that. He said, "yeah... we'll see." And later he told me not to let my mom's amputation get me down. Tonight when I came home from the hospital I wanted to talk about my mom's condition. He told me he wanted to change the subject because she's just another person to him.
GOD! The man will let me lament for an hour and a half about cramps, but bring up my mother and he has no patience. And I know it isn't that he's just uncomfortable with the medical stuff. When his wife's mother was going through breast cancer and had a mastectomy, that old woman was the most important thing on his mind. Not because he loves his mother-in-law so much, but because she was his wife's mother! I know Dad doesn't think Mom has one redeeming quality, I know they had a terrible marraige, but she is an incredibly important person to me. He could fain sympathy for my sake!
If the shoe were on the other foot, (so to speak) and he was the one with the amputated limb, my mother would be very concerned. Thank God for my step-mom. She wanted to know how my mom was doing and asked me questions. She knows what its like to have a sick mother in the hospital.
On a completely different note, I saw what maybe the best campy movie ever: The Mesmerist. Stupid and hi-larious. I only hope Snakes on a Plane is that good.
It's much better thank you.