Well, the weekend at my mom's was fun. Mum, James and I saw the community theatre production of The Sound of Music-- don't laugh, the Newport Preforming Arts Center puts on some good plays. This wasn't their best, but it wasn't bad either, (The Snow Queen and The Man of La Mancha were great when I saw them there).
On Sunday James and I went to the Aquarium with Brooke, my best friend from highschool. We started drooling over the plexiglass as we talked about the best ways to prepare the critters in the tanks. We are evil.
After looking at the halibut, crab, shimp and lobster, we went out for seafood. The Tuna "Mignon" at the Local Ocean on the Bayfront kicks ass! And that might have been the best halibut I've ever eaten.
I had some REALLY blonde moments at the aquarim, as well... Gorsh, I have an over active imagination... A couple weeks ago James and I went to the zoo. We were very disappointed to see that the polar bears weren't in their cage. I think I said something about them probably being on a smoke break. We joked about how funny it would have been if we had seen a guy in a polar bear costume standing in the back, smoking a cigarette.
Fast forward to Yesterday. I decided to retell the tale to Brooke, only I had forgotten that we hadn't actually seen a guy in a ploar bear costume. Needless to say, James cracked-up when he had to remind me that that was made up.
Oh, speaking of making James laugh: We were snuggling up on Saturday after having eaten and I was um, gassy...?
James gave me a really big hug and I told him to be careful or else hed "sqeeze one out of me". He thought I was just being cheeky so he sqeezed me as hard as he could. And you know what? He sqeezed one out of me.... We both nearly fell on the floor we were laughing so hard.
That might qualify as TMI, but it was seriously funny. I didn't know my bowels could work like that.
On Sunday James and I went to the Aquarium with Brooke, my best friend from highschool. We started drooling over the plexiglass as we talked about the best ways to prepare the critters in the tanks. We are evil.

I had some REALLY blonde moments at the aquarim, as well... Gorsh, I have an over active imagination... A couple weeks ago James and I went to the zoo. We were very disappointed to see that the polar bears weren't in their cage. I think I said something about them probably being on a smoke break. We joked about how funny it would have been if we had seen a guy in a polar bear costume standing in the back, smoking a cigarette.
Fast forward to Yesterday. I decided to retell the tale to Brooke, only I had forgotten that we hadn't actually seen a guy in a ploar bear costume. Needless to say, James cracked-up when he had to remind me that that was made up.
Oh, speaking of making James laugh: We were snuggling up on Saturday after having eaten and I was um, gassy...?

Happy Birthday!!

happy birthday!