James and I have been enjoying our vacation. We've taken a week off and have spent it sleeping in and going out to eat. On Saturday and Sunday we went to Kumoricon. We didn't dress up or do many of the activities, besides the teddybear "felting". That mostly involved stabbing a teddybear repeatedly for hours. That was FU-UN!

I bought sewing stuff at Josephine's Dry...
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I forgot. Here's my tatizzle:

Yay! Successful cooking-spree. I made tempura chicken, combination fried rice, and pork bao. Yummy. James has been happy with his lunches. he's a lucky boy to have a girl like me.

It's nice to know there's room to cook even though the apartment is laced with industrial fans. But everything's drying-up and the wrecking crew should be by in the morning to tear up the...
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So my tattoo is healing. Is pretty.

What's not so pretty are the garbage cans and buckets filled with brown water and the industrial fans spread troughout the apartment. Last night our upstairs neighbor took a nap after flushing his toilet, not realizing that it was overflowing. Fifteen minutes later, we got a knock on our door from the downstairs neighbor asking if we had...
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I went to Infinity today and got a pretty pink bow etched into my skin. Pictures later... Did it hurt? It felt like someone was poking me with a needle. James and I took the rest of the day off. Ah, lazy. Nice.

On another note, we found a cockroach. In our bedroom. We're doing a massive clean this weekend. And we might not be...
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Only a few more days till my tattoo.I start a new shift tomorrow; I have to get up a 6 am. Ugh.
Only two more days!

Ugh from me as well. I sleep next to you, and you have to get up at 6am. blackeyed
I am scheduled to get my first ink on August 1st. I have an appointment with Amanda Meyer at Infinity. Yippy!!!
It was great meeting you and Dov! Hope to see you guys around more often. biggrin
SAKURA CON: What I Shoulda Coulda Woulda Done on My Trip
by Petal

Due to a lack of planning and understanding, I had a pretty crappy time at Sakura Con this year. This was my first time at the event and I was hella bored. Made me sad. I wanted to have fun... Oh well, here are a few lessons for next time:

1. DON'T...
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I would like to say that a certain friend of mine, (to protect his anonymity I will call him Mr Beauregard Cannabis) is going to die from the cancer of not-getting-laid-for-a-very-long-time. And I am drunk...weeee!
St Patty's was fun. I didn't get as tipsy as I thought I would, but I did gain about six pounds from all the noshing. Nice group of drunk friends. Damn Doug and his insestrial nipples! I think Apathy likes our friend Jessica. Ha, and I thought he was "homosesual".

James' birthday was a bit slower than we wanted. I think people were too hung...
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and doug wasnt saying that it was jessica
Yarr.... You live with me now, so Internet rambling is almost pointless
Im a slug.I hardly ever come to the site anymore and I haven't updated in a million years.

So what's happend in the last six months:

Went out a lot. Saw a billion movies. Went to parties. Mom got second leg amputated. Mom got first leg amputated again. I became obsessed with Viva Pinata for the 360. James and I moved in together. Mom died....
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i already have it yo
Mom's doing great. Once she's in rehab she'll probably feel differently, but for now she's in a very good mood. I forgot that when her leg first started giving her trouble years ago, she decorated the crutches she had to use. A couple of years ago she broke her hip and accessorized her walker with bicycle a basket, horn and handle bar tassels. I'm sure...
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It's much better thank you.