Fat bottomed girls you make the rockin' world go round...
I hear a meow from behind me and turn from searching for pictures of that two headed man to see the cat deposit a massive dead mouse by my feet.
Worse still, because I didn't seem suitably impressed by her oh so generous gift, she's disappeared off with it somewhere into the house. I have unpleasant visions of finding it in my bed.
But I'm so bored these last couple of days I have actually sorted out some of my pictures...from yonks ago.
Looks cute, eh? Seconds after this it was eating its own poo.
I was obsessed with komodo dragons for years when I was a kid after I found that they dig up graves and eat bodies. I yelled "oh these are awesome, they eat babies!" rather too loudly next to it and some mother gave me evil looks and shooed her vile kids away from me (result!).
I love this sign
BAD elephant.
An awesome graffiti wall has appeared by my house.
This is LOCAL graffiti...
And finally my charity shop bargain - bright fuschia pink stilettos
they're a richer purplier colour and they are the sex ♥ though a bit wide for my skinny feet.
Plus, I just read this on b3ta and it made me giggle -
"SATANISTS! This weekend is your last chance to concieve if you want He Who Walks Backwards' child born on 6/6/6. Any later and to be out then he'd be premature and perhaps a bit weedy. Go go Beelzebaby action."
I hear a meow from behind me and turn from searching for pictures of that two headed man to see the cat deposit a massive dead mouse by my feet.
Worse still, because I didn't seem suitably impressed by her oh so generous gift, she's disappeared off with it somewhere into the house. I have unpleasant visions of finding it in my bed.
But I'm so bored these last couple of days I have actually sorted out some of my pictures...from yonks ago.

Looks cute, eh? Seconds after this it was eating its own poo.

I was obsessed with komodo dragons for years when I was a kid after I found that they dig up graves and eat bodies. I yelled "oh these are awesome, they eat babies!" rather too loudly next to it and some mother gave me evil looks and shooed her vile kids away from me (result!).

I love this sign

An awesome graffiti wall has appeared by my house.

This is LOCAL graffiti...

And finally my charity shop bargain - bright fuschia pink stilettos

Plus, I just read this on b3ta and it made me giggle -
"SATANISTS! This weekend is your last chance to concieve if you want He Who Walks Backwards' child born on 6/6/6. Any later and to be out then he'd be premature and perhaps a bit weedy. Go go Beelzebaby action."
Bah! It sucks I didn't see you at Rock in the Castle, how weird was it? Did you brave the beer queue? I couldn't face it, I love getting rat arsed but not enough to stand still in the cold for a bazillion years!
Avast! I be hopin ye be still alive n kickin and runnin yer flatmates through with yer cutlass! :arr: