I've popped round to my dads house to pick up some stuff I sold on ebay but forgot to take wth me.
And I've found the creepiest thing (no, not the food 13 years out of date in the cupboard).
I have a younger sister, she's 18 and alright but we've never really got on, we're very different people in personality and tastes, yet she's always stolen my things and pretended they were hers, and lent out my cds to her frends etc. (I have very strong tastes in music/film etc and like what I like despite it not being particularly cool, she likes whatever her current boyfriend likes plus Placebo and Greenday).
Last time I found a bunch of my old notebooks in her room. I've always had a load of notebooks, especially in school, basically just mini scrapbooks I doodle all over and write down things I don't want to forget - websites, doctors appointments, homework, sketches, fragments of songs I hear and like, phone numbers, addresses, mini snapshot memories that are awesome and I want to be able to remember a few years later blah blah blah. I dunno why exactly she'd want to nick those as they're no use to anyone but me.
This time, I've found a bunch of notebooks in her room. And she's copied, word for word, mine. In fact even the notebook she used was a blank one I had lying about. She started copying my handwriting a few years ago, and for a second I thought it was another one of mine. She's traced my drawings, copied out things I'd written, and filled in with her own appointments and things. She's copied the scribble I always put in the margins when I'm not thinking, traced the possible tattoo designs I've doodled here and there, basically just copied out everything as if it was her own...
Is it just me or is this really weird?
I only bloody hope she doesn't find out about Suicide Girls.
And I've found the creepiest thing (no, not the food 13 years out of date in the cupboard).
I have a younger sister, she's 18 and alright but we've never really got on, we're very different people in personality and tastes, yet she's always stolen my things and pretended they were hers, and lent out my cds to her frends etc. (I have very strong tastes in music/film etc and like what I like despite it not being particularly cool, she likes whatever her current boyfriend likes plus Placebo and Greenday).
Last time I found a bunch of my old notebooks in her room. I've always had a load of notebooks, especially in school, basically just mini scrapbooks I doodle all over and write down things I don't want to forget - websites, doctors appointments, homework, sketches, fragments of songs I hear and like, phone numbers, addresses, mini snapshot memories that are awesome and I want to be able to remember a few years later blah blah blah. I dunno why exactly she'd want to nick those as they're no use to anyone but me.
This time, I've found a bunch of notebooks in her room. And she's copied, word for word, mine. In fact even the notebook she used was a blank one I had lying about. She started copying my handwriting a few years ago, and for a second I thought it was another one of mine. She's traced my drawings, copied out things I'd written, and filled in with her own appointments and things. She's copied the scribble I always put in the margins when I'm not thinking, traced the possible tattoo designs I've doodled here and there, basically just copied out everything as if it was her own...
Is it just me or is this really weird?
I only bloody hope she doesn't find out about Suicide Girls.
send me my goodies!!! my goodies, my goodies, my goodies, blah blah blah!
you better be looking at my naked bum bum soon lady
Thanks for your messages, I will def be in touch about stuff.
Life is just, lyke, sooooo totally unfair