Alright ladies and gents, I'm back home in sunny-if-you-compare-it-to-somewhere-really-not-sunny-at-all Derbyshire. Today I got a bus from Long Eaton where i spent my weekend into Derby. Today in Derby was apparently national old people day. Seriously, it was like a scene from Night of the Living Dead. After what seemed an eternity of trying to fight my way through throngs of grannies standing in the middle of the street looking in windows going "Eee, that's nice Dora. I say, that's nice. Our Eileen used to have one like that. Do you remember, only hers used to be blue. And not so long. And had these funny cuffs on it. And a lace trim, do you remember, a lace trim. And it didn't have all that on the pocket. In fact, it's not very much like hers at all, now I come to think of it." I got on a bus from Derby back to Matlock just in time to save myself from spontaneously combusting.
Within 5 minutes of us leaving the bus station, another bus crashed into ours from behind. Our bus driver was most unimpressed, and marched off to yell at the other bus driver. He came back with a face like thunder and announced "You won't believe this, they don't even speak English!" and proceeded to disappear, locking us in the bus. We sat there for 45 minutes while he called the police and all sorts, and finally we were on our way. however, to make up for being 45 minutes late, he decided to take 'short cuts' and speed psychotically along tiny winding country lanes.
I got back in one piece. Our house is now a mega house and has a posh garden pond. There's lots of bread but no toaster. And lots of mini muffins but no biscuits. And some weird smoked cheese (which I have quite taken to) but no cheddar. And my speakers are missing (though not the actual stereo), so I can't play cds. It's a bit weird here, but at least this time all my stuff (what was left of it) is still there and hasn't been stolen and broken. Though someone has broken my lava lamp, but it's about a zillion years old so it was bound to happen one day. I'm surprised I never broke it. And the cats still attack my feet.

The photos above are a band called Spirytus. Honest. We went to see them on Saturday at the old Angel in Nottingham and they were rather fantastic. I'd heard good things, but in all honesty they aren't my kind of music so I was expecting to come away going "ahh, yes they were very good but not really my thing" but actually I really enjoyed it. Very loud, very heavy, but actually fucking wicked. It was dark, and they wouldn't stand still, which is why my pictures suck. That and I suck at taking pictures. And someone taller than me was standing in front of me, which always happens because I am not very tall. I tried to anticipate this by wearing tall shoes, but this guy laughed in the face of my tall shoes by being naturally a giant. But yes. Spirytus. Check them out.
I also have pictures from the Dr Who exhibit on Brighton pier that I mentioned ages and ages ago. It's a bit late now but fuck it I'm posting them anyway. Everyone likes pictures of blobby aliens.
Big green alien dudes. Forgive my lack of Dr Who terminology, I wasn't paying as much attention as I was meant to.
Big angry looking head.
I think this is one of the ones my stepbrother made. But I am easily confused.
And ahh a nice view of Brighton Pier. There was a gorgeous sunset, but they never come out as well on film.
GAHHH. It's like being at home again properly. My dad just walked in, stood behind me making vague small talk while trying to look at what I'm doing on the internet. Honestly. Also my nerves are a little frayed as when he came back from work we were standing in the kitchen talking with cups of tea, and June (his girlfriend) came back from work, walked in, didn't even look at me, talked to him, then left without even saying hello. Yet he's just come in and said " would be nice if you'd talk to June at some point, you know, say hello, ask how she is...".
This is why I don't come back here ever.
(oh and update on the house - when I left, the house had no front)
edit - for FUCKS sake. Every 5 minutes my dad comes back in and hovers trying to read what I'm doing on the internet.
ALSO, nobody here answers the fucking phone, so I have to keep answering even though I don't live here, then trailing about trying to find people who may or may not be somewhere in the house for someone I don't know on the other end of the phone. I have removed the phone from the room so I don't have to do this any more.
edit - just realised I didn't add the bloody Dalek photo, and what good is a Dr Who exhibit without Daleks?

Within 5 minutes of us leaving the bus station, another bus crashed into ours from behind. Our bus driver was most unimpressed, and marched off to yell at the other bus driver. He came back with a face like thunder and announced "You won't believe this, they don't even speak English!" and proceeded to disappear, locking us in the bus. We sat there for 45 minutes while he called the police and all sorts, and finally we were on our way. however, to make up for being 45 minutes late, he decided to take 'short cuts' and speed psychotically along tiny winding country lanes.
I got back in one piece. Our house is now a mega house and has a posh garden pond. There's lots of bread but no toaster. And lots of mini muffins but no biscuits. And some weird smoked cheese (which I have quite taken to) but no cheddar. And my speakers are missing (though not the actual stereo), so I can't play cds. It's a bit weird here, but at least this time all my stuff (what was left of it) is still there and hasn't been stolen and broken. Though someone has broken my lava lamp, but it's about a zillion years old so it was bound to happen one day. I'm surprised I never broke it. And the cats still attack my feet.

The photos above are a band called Spirytus. Honest. We went to see them on Saturday at the old Angel in Nottingham and they were rather fantastic. I'd heard good things, but in all honesty they aren't my kind of music so I was expecting to come away going "ahh, yes they were very good but not really my thing" but actually I really enjoyed it. Very loud, very heavy, but actually fucking wicked. It was dark, and they wouldn't stand still, which is why my pictures suck. That and I suck at taking pictures. And someone taller than me was standing in front of me, which always happens because I am not very tall. I tried to anticipate this by wearing tall shoes, but this guy laughed in the face of my tall shoes by being naturally a giant. But yes. Spirytus. Check them out.
I also have pictures from the Dr Who exhibit on Brighton pier that I mentioned ages and ages ago. It's a bit late now but fuck it I'm posting them anyway. Everyone likes pictures of blobby aliens.

Big green alien dudes. Forgive my lack of Dr Who terminology, I wasn't paying as much attention as I was meant to.

Big angry looking head.

I think this is one of the ones my stepbrother made. But I am easily confused.

And ahh a nice view of Brighton Pier. There was a gorgeous sunset, but they never come out as well on film.
GAHHH. It's like being at home again properly. My dad just walked in, stood behind me making vague small talk while trying to look at what I'm doing on the internet. Honestly. Also my nerves are a little frayed as when he came back from work we were standing in the kitchen talking with cups of tea, and June (his girlfriend) came back from work, walked in, didn't even look at me, talked to him, then left without even saying hello. Yet he's just come in and said " would be nice if you'd talk to June at some point, you know, say hello, ask how she is...".
This is why I don't come back here ever.
(oh and update on the house - when I left, the house had no front)
edit - for FUCKS sake. Every 5 minutes my dad comes back in and hovers trying to read what I'm doing on the internet.
ALSO, nobody here answers the fucking phone, so I have to keep answering even though I don't live here, then trailing about trying to find people who may or may not be somewhere in the house for someone I don't know on the other end of the phone. I have removed the phone from the room so I don't have to do this any more.
edit - just realised I didn't add the bloody Dalek photo, and what good is a Dr Who exhibit without Daleks?

And thanks for the compliment