I couldn't sleep last night because some people several houses away, on the opposite side of the road, were listening to Motley Crue very loudly with their windows open. I could see them by craning out my window, and even their cat was attempting suicide, crawling out onto the non-ledge outside their 3rd floor window. Seriously, if someone that far away with their windows closed and head under a pillow can sing along word for word with Girls Girls Girls, it's time to turn it down.
Also, there was some psycho hosebeast in the street shrieking like a banshee and attempting to break down some blokes door for the 3 hours between 12.30-3.30am. She was yelling and cursing and body slamming the door screeching at some invisible person in the house "look what you've done! look at me! LET ME IN YOU BASTARD. AAIIIIEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHH" *bang bang bang bang* He didn't let her in. Unsurprisingly, as she was a complete nutter. But every now and then she'd totter off screaming obscenities and disappear for 10 minutes, then reappear and start up the hammering and yelling again.
I finally got to sleep (with the aid of some earplugs I nicked from work during the Nuclear Assault gig the other night) only to be woken up at 7am. I don't know what by, but it happens every morning. Then (posh to-be-flatmate) Alistair's posh family came and started hammering things into walls and talking plummily about floorboards and wallpaper and so on. So I dragged myself out of bed and headed to the kettle for much needed coffee, only to find that the thing the kettle stands in was there, and the lid was there, but not the actual kettle. So I escaped, and have been wandering aimlessly round town for ages looking bedraggled and stroppy.
I had hummus and pitta bread in a Greek cafe, which was a bad idea as I don't think my tongue is quite up to it yet and I ended up with lots of hummus and chewed pitta bread stuck in my piercing. I'm not coping too well without my enormous bowls of pasta, soup just does not fill any kind of hole and I am craving carbohydrate like a madwoman, I keep remembering foods I haven't eaten in ages and obsessing over them just because I can't have them now. I've got to the point where I'm just going sod it and eating things anyway, in a really undignified manner and trying not to yelp everytime it hurts a lot.
I went round a corner to find a man playing Smells Like Teen Spirit on a saw with a violin bow. I was quite impressed, if a little nonplussed, and had a nice chat with him until I got fed up of him focussing a good foot or two below my eyes.
Also, I have a couple of ideas for 2 girl sets I'd like to do at some point, but need a willing victim...uh, volunteer.
Also, there was some psycho hosebeast in the street shrieking like a banshee and attempting to break down some blokes door for the 3 hours between 12.30-3.30am. She was yelling and cursing and body slamming the door screeching at some invisible person in the house "look what you've done! look at me! LET ME IN YOU BASTARD. AAIIIIEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHH" *bang bang bang bang* He didn't let her in. Unsurprisingly, as she was a complete nutter. But every now and then she'd totter off screaming obscenities and disappear for 10 minutes, then reappear and start up the hammering and yelling again.
I finally got to sleep (with the aid of some earplugs I nicked from work during the Nuclear Assault gig the other night) only to be woken up at 7am. I don't know what by, but it happens every morning. Then (posh to-be-flatmate) Alistair's posh family came and started hammering things into walls and talking plummily about floorboards and wallpaper and so on. So I dragged myself out of bed and headed to the kettle for much needed coffee, only to find that the thing the kettle stands in was there, and the lid was there, but not the actual kettle. So I escaped, and have been wandering aimlessly round town for ages looking bedraggled and stroppy.
I had hummus and pitta bread in a Greek cafe, which was a bad idea as I don't think my tongue is quite up to it yet and I ended up with lots of hummus and chewed pitta bread stuck in my piercing. I'm not coping too well without my enormous bowls of pasta, soup just does not fill any kind of hole and I am craving carbohydrate like a madwoman, I keep remembering foods I haven't eaten in ages and obsessing over them just because I can't have them now. I've got to the point where I'm just going sod it and eating things anyway, in a really undignified manner and trying not to yelp everytime it hurts a lot.
I went round a corner to find a man playing Smells Like Teen Spirit on a saw with a violin bow. I was quite impressed, if a little nonplussed, and had a nice chat with him until I got fed up of him focussing a good foot or two below my eyes.
Also, I have a couple of ideas for 2 girl sets I'd like to do at some point, but need a willing victim...uh, volunteer.
This is my new favourtie phrase.
Did you ever find the kettle? Maybe you got up in the middle of the night and pourred hot water our of the window onto that psycho hosebeast.