Hey hey quick update to say updating may be difficult.
Have moved out of old flat and sort of into new house, I was told house was in process of "being decorated". Have now SEEN house, turns out it is actually being gutted, kitchens turned into bedrooms, basements turned into kitchens, walls being destroyed and rebuilt, no floor, etc etc etc.
Sooo...I am meant to be 'moving in' to a less destroyed room (since the room that is meant to be mine is actually still a non functioning kitchen) on Wednesday, dreading it, may have to take time off work and move back up home for a couple of weeks, it'll obviously take FAR longer than the hopeful "about 6 weeks..." estimate.
On the plus side it's on a little road with a pub at each end, and a nice deli and a takeaway just round the corner. Awesome.
I doubt very much I'll have internet access, but seeing as the house is a hell hole right now I'll probably use any excuse to get out, so internet cafes may become my new haunt.
Right now I'm at my mums house in Chesterfield which is also only half built, but in a much neater, tidier and more functional way (if you don't mind the motorbikes behind the sofa).
I spent the weekend living in a B&B in Brighton, visited the Dr Who exhibit on the pier cus my step brother made some of the stuff for it (pics to come when the technology isn't packed into boxes), he makes props for movies and tv programmes like Little Britain (just done a big prop for the next series), League of Gentlemen (eg. Tubbs' fat suit), Ricky Gervais' new show (made built up shoes) and suchlike. And he made the helmet Brad Pitt wore in Troy, we've got an identical copy of it here cus he made it for my mum & stepdad's wedding present. I haven't seen the film, but apparently the helmet is noticeably wonky - he sat on it by accident.
Speaking of the League of Gentlemen, finally got around to seeing the LofG Apocolypse Saturday night, I LOVED it

Hopefully meeting up with one of my oldest bestest friends tomorrow for a wander around Sheffield with my no money.
Hope you're all dandy xx
(ohh, and this is stolen from Irina's journal, it's the bloke I totally pulled in the London Dungeon...)

Then they have chips and stuff u can buy to go with it.
Some of the things on plates may or may not be known to medical science
The house thing sounds evil, but on the plus side, you will have a nice new place to move into.