This journal entry is brought to you by too many cups of ginseng coffee, no sleep, fake plastic corpses and lots of mental Chinese people.
Last Thursday I went to London to meet the lovely Irina, who was absolutely wonderful. We went to the London Dungeon - I'm not sure whether I feel ripped off or not, though we had a 2-for-1 entry thing so it wasn't so bad. I think it'd have been better if we hadn't been ferried around with a bunch of kids on a school trip. I kept feeling like I was waiting for something big and scary to happen that never quite did - but it was still fun. Full of plastic corpses covered in painty entrails and gore, like this guy -
It tried to be informative but since most of their customers are kids it couldn't go into too much detail over some things. I quite liked some of the 'crimes' you could be hanged for...
Got to the end and found we'd gone the wrong way and were back at the beginning instead of the way out, but took the time to dance with this sexy fella -
Yeah. They take you into a mocked up torture chamber and one of the guides (felt v sorry for these people as were all obviously failed actors/actresses spending all day dressed as plague victims telling school kids which way to go) got this poor kid from the crowd to sit in the chair while he demonstrated various implements of torture on him, poor little Simon looked mortified when a slicing weapon with a hole in it was held towards his groin...
We also wandered aimlessly round Camden for a while, I would happily have bought everything in sight but I had no money. Also we got stolen by a mad shop assistant with multicoloured Robert Smith hair who took us upstairs into rooms filled with millions of pairs of tartan bondage trousers and manky coats and tried to persuade us to buy things like shiny lycra trousers, or cords that were way too big for either of us, or purple sparkly dog collars.
Friday I went to Wagamama's for a meal with my flatmates, which was really nice and I wish I'd been better friends with them all year.
Last night I worked an 11 hour shift (5pm-4.30am)...and I'm about to go back to work in an hour or so.
I somehow agreed to work the Chinese party. Basically a bunch of Chinese people booked the club downstairs from 12-4am, and they turn off ALL the lights, and play very very loud very very fast techno computer game music and do many many drugs and order lots and lots of bottles of things. It was really bizarre. Someone would come to the bar and say "bottle of Fosters please" and I'd get one and put it in front of them and they'd go "no, no, 10 bottles". It was so strange. They were all dancing in crazy ways, and being so tired I'd got really hyper it was fun to dance the same way behind the bar, but if you did that and caught their eye, they'd come and dance with you on the other side of the bar. The best one was the guy who was so wasted all he could do was stand at the bar with his eyes closed shaking his head repeatedly and gripping the bar with both hands. He ordered a pint of guinness, paid for it, then wobbled off, leaving the guinness on the bar. A few minutes later he'd come back and order another pint of guinness, then wander off without it again. All the time shaking his head with his eyes closed. One of them kept dancing with us all, I'm sure I recognise him from a shop or something in Brighton. He said his name was Simon (lots of Simon's this week) and he worked in the Ministry, and if I didn't believe him I could call the Ministry. I never quite ascertained whether this was of Sound, of Defence...
It was WEIRD.
And afterwards instead of going home I ended up sitting there until half 5 telling the owner how much of a cunt he was. With reason, he'd spent the whole night attempting to shag this Belgian chick even though he has a girlfriend. Now I feel really bad, cus he's not so bad really, just does daft things a lot. On the plus side it's the only job I've had where I can do that and not be fired.
So yeah. I'm craving piercings but I don't really know what I want pierced. And I can't have more in my ears because they're bizarre and freakish elf things and I don't need to draw any more attention to them than necessary.

Last Thursday I went to London to meet the lovely Irina, who was absolutely wonderful. We went to the London Dungeon - I'm not sure whether I feel ripped off or not, though we had a 2-for-1 entry thing so it wasn't so bad. I think it'd have been better if we hadn't been ferried around with a bunch of kids on a school trip. I kept feeling like I was waiting for something big and scary to happen that never quite did - but it was still fun. Full of plastic corpses covered in painty entrails and gore, like this guy -

It tried to be informative but since most of their customers are kids it couldn't go into too much detail over some things. I quite liked some of the 'crimes' you could be hanged for...

Got to the end and found we'd gone the wrong way and were back at the beginning instead of the way out, but took the time to dance with this sexy fella -

Yeah. They take you into a mocked up torture chamber and one of the guides (felt v sorry for these people as were all obviously failed actors/actresses spending all day dressed as plague victims telling school kids which way to go) got this poor kid from the crowd to sit in the chair while he demonstrated various implements of torture on him, poor little Simon looked mortified when a slicing weapon with a hole in it was held towards his groin...
We also wandered aimlessly round Camden for a while, I would happily have bought everything in sight but I had no money. Also we got stolen by a mad shop assistant with multicoloured Robert Smith hair who took us upstairs into rooms filled with millions of pairs of tartan bondage trousers and manky coats and tried to persuade us to buy things like shiny lycra trousers, or cords that were way too big for either of us, or purple sparkly dog collars.
Friday I went to Wagamama's for a meal with my flatmates, which was really nice and I wish I'd been better friends with them all year.
Last night I worked an 11 hour shift (5pm-4.30am)...and I'm about to go back to work in an hour or so.
I somehow agreed to work the Chinese party. Basically a bunch of Chinese people booked the club downstairs from 12-4am, and they turn off ALL the lights, and play very very loud very very fast techno computer game music and do many many drugs and order lots and lots of bottles of things. It was really bizarre. Someone would come to the bar and say "bottle of Fosters please" and I'd get one and put it in front of them and they'd go "no, no, 10 bottles". It was so strange. They were all dancing in crazy ways, and being so tired I'd got really hyper it was fun to dance the same way behind the bar, but if you did that and caught their eye, they'd come and dance with you on the other side of the bar. The best one was the guy who was so wasted all he could do was stand at the bar with his eyes closed shaking his head repeatedly and gripping the bar with both hands. He ordered a pint of guinness, paid for it, then wobbled off, leaving the guinness on the bar. A few minutes later he'd come back and order another pint of guinness, then wander off without it again. All the time shaking his head with his eyes closed. One of them kept dancing with us all, I'm sure I recognise him from a shop or something in Brighton. He said his name was Simon (lots of Simon's this week) and he worked in the Ministry, and if I didn't believe him I could call the Ministry. I never quite ascertained whether this was of Sound, of Defence...
It was WEIRD.
And afterwards instead of going home I ended up sitting there until half 5 telling the owner how much of a cunt he was. With reason, he'd spent the whole night attempting to shag this Belgian chick even though he has a girlfriend. Now I feel really bad, cus he's not so bad really, just does daft things a lot. On the plus side it's the only job I've had where I can do that and not be fired.
So yeah. I'm craving piercings but I don't really know what I want pierced. And I can't have more in my ears because they're bizarre and freakish elf things and I don't need to draw any more attention to them than necessary.

i think its a good thing though, have you not seen lord of the rings? dude, the elves are the best part!!!