"You're not going to knock a baboon out, are you"
To anyone that knew that my favourite line was from Catch 22, well done. To the rest of you, you'll just have to imagine my breasts bouncing in a saucy huff as I flounce off for your literary inadequacies. Or not.
Here's a sort of muddle of stuff that I've been up to, and I'm playing all the right notes just not necessarily in the right order...

- Last night we went to see Boris at the club I used to work at. While I'm not exactly the world's biggest metal fan, I reckon doom/drone/ambient metal has to be where it's at. I even had a little dance. On my own. I may or may not have been a bit drunk.

- I went to Hip Hop Karaoke. It's always a great night even if it is at the Engine Room.
I had been wearing these flip flops that are basically made out of bits of fucking basket, and they stripped the skin off my feet. I hobbled to Hip Hop Karaoke on my blistered and bleeding feet, and arrived there very late to the equally blistering gaze of Danny who had been waiting there for over an hour. Thankfully he thawed as I explained to him how hard it is to power walk when you have bleeding stumps for feet. At least, I think he forgave me, though he did sign me up to sing Gangsta's Paradise with him, so maybe he wasn't as forgiving as I'd assumed... Here are some pictures of us telling a room of people that we are educated fools with money on our mind:

It's alright though, now I've lost all the last remaining scraps of what once passed for my dignity, I can basically do anything I like.
- Recently I have been working in customer service. I get to sit about playing my gameboy and reading and answering calls. I quite like it, and my friend Danny works in the same building, only he's doing sales calls. We have a competition going to see who speaks to the best-named people. He is winning, by a rather large margin. The best I have is a Shirley Hurley, while he got to speak to a Mr Whippy, and had a hard time convincing either Mr Toogood or Mr Bah to even talk to him.
- We have a mouse! A mouse in our house! A house-mouse!
Okay this isn't exactly new news, but it is the first time I've seen the little guy, peeping around the sofa with his little twitchy nose all of a-wiggle.
I found out about our uninvited guest by accident. I walked into the living room to hear Jon and Howie discussing some sort of a trap. Innocently and slightly hopefully, anticipating plans of imminent skulduggery, I inquired as to what kind of a trap this was to be. Exchanging guilty glances, they informed me that we had a mouse, and that they had all agreed not to tell me, as they had laid a trap with which to catch it. And by catch it, I mean smash it's mousey little brains in. Tearfully I marched to the cupboard under the stairs, located the (wonderfully Tom and Jerry style) trap, and threw it away. And up until now the ungrateful little thing has never been seen by me, preferring instead to appear at night wraith-like to unsuspecting visitors yet never to the eager enthusiast dying to catch a tiny glimpse.
I'd have taken a picture of the little guy but damn those things move fast! One second he was peering Magoo-like around the side of the sofa, the next he was away and across the room, hidden inside a giant comedy wig that for some reason has found itself home in our fire place.
Jone reeled out a list of diseases that he was probably carrying. The mouse that is, not Jon. I pointed out that he has giant adorable ears. The mouse that is, not Jon.
- Hurrah! New set! And I like this one a little more because it still mostly looks like me. Except that I've combed out my dreads. I miss them. I want them back.
These are some of my favourite pictures -
Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment on it, it's much appreciated.
- Went to see Daft Punk in London, lovely. Saw LCD Soundsystem, a bit of CSS and Simian Mobile Disco too.
- Went to the Sealife Centre and for a picnic for mine and Luke's year anniversary. I have a wonderful picture of me being eaten by a Lego shark. Sadly all the pictures I ever take are on shitty disposable cameras and I have no scanner. This is actually a good thing as it clearly saves me a lot of embarrassment.
- We're meant to use the phonetic alphabet at work to spell back things to people, but I can't remember it and am constantly asking "Is that P for Pirate or B for Bogeys?". your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to come up with a new phonetic alphabet that I can get fired for using. Come on people, impress me.
As soon as I have my new place (which should be by this evening anyway) you'll have to come round or we go somewhere nice and you'll let me treat you to some tea and cake (I won't take a no, so don't even bother
B as in bastard
C as in castrating bitch
D as in doff
E as in edges, trimmed nicely, please
F as in faggoty fuck fart finch
G as in germane
H as in hackenpfischer
I as in ill-fitting cunt trumpet
J as in Jermaine
K as in kokonut
L as in labia majoris
M as in minoris, labia
N as in no fucking cunt on a fucking telephone is going to fucking talk to my supervisor so long as I've got their number and the reverse directory in front of me
O as in Orrin Hatch
P as in parsnip
Q as in quaint - no, queer
R as in relish
S as in slag, which is what you are, ma'am
T as in titmice!
U as in uvula - no, vulva
V as in vulva - no, that thing at the back of your throat
W as in wry
X as in xylazine
Y as in Barney
Z as in fuck me that's a lot of letters