I understand what you're saying about talking to my mum, however, she is irrational, more than I can say. She never listens to anyone. I only moved out because she disowned me and kicked me out. She dislikes me and likes making me know that. I had no dislike for her until she told me I was a waste of space. The point is that I am no longer her concern, I understand she might be worried and may regret disowning me, but I'm not acting like a spoiled teenager, just trying to think of the best way to put it so that nobody gets hurt from my decisions.
I seriously doubt your rubbishness. You like the Flaming Lips. That single notion propels you to peaks of greatness. That, combined with your list of comedy favourites, great hair and self deprecating attitude means that you come across as a truly lovely lady. Chin up girl and try to keep smiling.
On the other hand, I thank you for your advice.
Muchos love