...Stand in journal entry until I write something properly...that to be honest will probably end up as my only journal entry as I am a lazy lazy person full of tea and cake...
After a fabulously spangly night out on Tuesday (Herbaliser) with much love, I have decided I don't hate my housemates. I'm calmer and happier now. Partly because I've quit uni. Yes I know, don't ask me about it (OR the hair, it's still manic), but it's made me a much nicer person to be around.
Today was spent in the company of the lovely Phinn, doing things which I cannot possibly tell you about, as they are far far too top secret. There was a lot of cake, though.
Me and Nic launched a "No Smoking You Cunts" camapaign at work, and covered the bar in a bajillion flyers with variations on the "No Smoking" theme. I don't care if you smoke, fine, just not at the bar IN MY FACE, you twat. She took pictures, my favourites were her "One of the barmaids is a crackwhore...don't stunt her crack baby's growth" one and my techno remix.
I made the mistake of staying for "just one beer" after work last Friday, and ended up getting home at 10.30am. Walking home drunk on Saturday morning through crowds of people doing their xmas shopping is mortifying. Especially when you have to stumble past building sites. Had horrible time with a guy who would just not leave, but did bond happily with Jonny over Motley Crue.
Watched these films:

And have developed huge crushes on Juliette Lewis, Hye-jeong Kang and Noel Fielding (have also been watching The Mighty Boosh).
That is all, as I'm now late for work.
After a fabulously spangly night out on Tuesday (Herbaliser) with much love, I have decided I don't hate my housemates. I'm calmer and happier now. Partly because I've quit uni. Yes I know, don't ask me about it (OR the hair, it's still manic), but it's made me a much nicer person to be around.
Today was spent in the company of the lovely Phinn, doing things which I cannot possibly tell you about, as they are far far too top secret. There was a lot of cake, though.
Me and Nic launched a "No Smoking You Cunts" camapaign at work, and covered the bar in a bajillion flyers with variations on the "No Smoking" theme. I don't care if you smoke, fine, just not at the bar IN MY FACE, you twat. She took pictures, my favourites were her "One of the barmaids is a crackwhore...don't stunt her crack baby's growth" one and my techno remix.
I made the mistake of staying for "just one beer" after work last Friday, and ended up getting home at 10.30am. Walking home drunk on Saturday morning through crowds of people doing their xmas shopping is mortifying. Especially when you have to stumble past building sites. Had horrible time with a guy who would just not leave, but did bond happily with Jonny over Motley Crue.
Watched these films:

And have developed huge crushes on Juliette Lewis, Hye-jeong Kang and Noel Fielding (have also been watching The Mighty Boosh).
That is all, as I'm now late for work.
sorry to hear you had one too many but at least you had fun before you got traumatized?
i hope yer roomies really arent that bad. i mean you have to live with em and all!