bahh there need to be way more things for night ppl like me. like the mall should be 24/7 not just the mall every thing should be
all i have is steak and shake the 24 hour mcd drive through and woodmans
hmm im hopeing ill be able to get out of rocford and make myself a living doing nightly things well it looks like i made another insomniac rant i think im about hour 30 now. the bad thing is is i know if i could just lay down for a little while i could go right to sleep but i just dont feel like may day is over so i go on with out sleep till it does. and my rant goes on. wow i can go on and on talking about just nothing for no other reason then bordom and with me being this short on sleep my ADD realy shows. hmm i real need to find something to do at the late hours of the night so that i might sleep. i think ill stop my rant now so i dont fill up to much space.