I'm back from my parent's and what a wonderful stay that was. Basically, I have just been sleeping, eating and talking to my folks, but that's not bad at all.
Oh, and I trimmed the dying remains of my dad's hair, and watched The Constant Gardener, which is highly recommendable. Have any of you guys seen it?
Also, my parents' christmas gift for me might be my new tattoo, if I'm lucky!
That's how cool they are

Oh, and I trimmed the dying remains of my dad's hair, and watched The Constant Gardener, which is highly recommendable. Have any of you guys seen it?
Also, my parents' christmas gift for me might be my new tattoo, if I'm lucky!
That's how cool they are

Jeg spiller i 2 kampagner i Odense - De Forviste og Torndal

S er jeg jo ndt til at vide hvad det er for et sommerscenarie.
- Jeg ved at jeg traditionen tro, skal med til Ripens.