Squeeze me, love me. Whisper naughty things. Suck and fuck me into a fantasy of unimaginable pleasure. Tell me I'm the most important person in your life and noone else matters. Break down my walls. Make me give into what I said I never would. Tell me Its ok. Nothing matters with this kind of love. I could spend the rest of my life like this. Fight for my hand and force another kiss. Tell me you love me. I feel it. Ive never felt this. I could die happy. The future looks so bright. Smother me in your love. Intoxicate me in the feeling of you. Eternal bliss. I can't wait now. Things are comming around. New doors are opening. Lets make this work. Make it happen. You make me feel so secure. It's for us. Tell me your doing it for us. Tell me I give you the strength and you couldn't have done it without me. If you don't like it I'll stop. You couldn't live without me. I couldn't live without you. Take it away and stab me. Watch in horror. Tell me you don't care anymore. It doesn't matter what I think. Tell me I'm unsupportive. Why are you doing this? Its not new anymore. Don't take it away. Are you feeling this? Tell me I'm an asshole. Tell everyone. Hate me and push me away. Say things to make me hate you. I can't do it. Make me cry. Laugh at your phone. Leave me alone. Give me a kiss. Get out of the bathroom! Do something around here. You just need time. Give it time. Waiting so long. Can't go on. Kill it. Stop it. Kill me. Kill you. Fucking shit. It's ok. You love me. I think you love me. I'm so insecure. Where's this going? Talk to somebody. Tell me you lied. Feelings change. Just need to grow up. It's more important than me. Tell me its ok. Do things to piss me off. If I don't like it, fuck me. If you don't like it, fuck me. Build a new wall inside of the old one. Sleep all the time. So tired. Wake up Loving. Nothing happened. Everythings fine till later. What about forever? This is my fault. Your never wrong. Your never sorry. You don't answer to anybody. You hardly care. Yes you do. I believe you. I love you. You love me. Tell me I hold you back. I never stand up for you. You did this without me. I'm smothering you. Rub your back! Tell me its ok. Hormones are well balanced. Everything is fine.
More Blogs
Sunday Oct 18, 2009
Constantly losing myself in a sobering fantasy of intoxicating reality -
Wednesday Oct 14, 2009
Squeeze me, love me. Whisper naughty things. Suck and fuck me into a … -
Thursday Sep 24, 2009
I really need some new musicians to jam with. -
Friday Sep 18, 2009
Death is born in the womb of destruction Breast fed a life of hate … -
Tuesday Sep 15, 2009
Forget it -
Friday Sep 11, 2009
I went to Hell City!!! Fuck You if you didn't! Thanks Durb and Alissa… -
Thursday Jun 18, 2009
After hours of being sucked into the flames of the now dying fire, I …