so yea... this driving all over florida and georgia shit is getting very old, very fast.. i use to enjoy taking long drives but this is becoming rigoddamndiculous. i cannot possibly explain how fucking boring it is driving through the bumfuck towns ive never even heard of. then getting lost in them constantly because UPS cant find a better spot to put their warehouse besides down some dirt road with a bridge thats falling down and signs warning 'Beware of the lepers'
for fucks sake people. and they wonder why people finally snap and walk into post offices with a ak47 and start fucking stuff up... ok, so maybe that doesnt really happen alot, but it will. someday
for fucks sake people. and they wonder why people finally snap and walk into post offices with a ak47 and start fucking stuff up... ok, so maybe that doesnt really happen alot, but it will. someday

that's wild.
I'll calll you on Sunday..but i warn you...I have the bird flu..I can't get this cold or whatever to go away!!