So this is my car. its fast, its loud, its dirty.
now all of you jacksonville people know who the asshole in the red car is who keeps jumping in front of you on the expressway then immediately slamming on the brakes to keep from rear-ending someone..
ok, im bored so im going out to work on my car.
If anyone wants to be nice and wash my car and clean the inside for me.... ill pay you. and love you forever..
Yeah, my grandfather was awesome too, sucks I rarely got to see him
I ended up having to fly up here which the thought of it scared the piss outta me but I found someone to give me a xanax to keep me calm, I just slept most of the way. I've got an appointment at the Toyota dealership to fix the CD player, hopefully they'll be able to.. if not, and you're capable of doing so, it'd be great if you could help!
Have a fun weekend. Don't drive too fast, theres cops EVERYWHERE!

you've got mail.