been awhile since ive said much worth reading on here, so guess its about time for a small update.
this whole year has been fucked, got a dui june of last year so i have been trying to keep out of trouble which normally means staying at home for me.
so besides work and hanging out with kaiden there hasnt been much going on.
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this whole year has been fucked, got a dui june of last year so i have been trying to keep out of trouble which normally means staying at home for me.
so besides work and hanging out with kaiden there hasnt been much going on.
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why is it everytime a mechanic starts talking me to about my car i feel like im getting fucked?
i took my car to the dealership i bought it from to have them look at the front end, it appears the guy who owned it before me had a set of strut tower braces on the car, but when he sold it he took them...
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i took my car to the dealership i bought it from to have them look at the front end, it appears the guy who owned it before me had a set of strut tower braces on the car, but when he sold it he took them...
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p.s.s. if i were prego i'd have sex all the

well....i can't really say what i do...i'll tell you when i see u in ill be gone for a while so dont freak out when my sweet ass doesn't write you for a while...ok. ill be back to you promise. p.s. when i was home there i used to haarlng out in fernandina beach...little hole in the wall places cause i knew everyone...those were the times. i really couldn't tell you now whats what..i used to go to 5 pts...ummm....tsi..pearl..but i heard and saw for my self last time i was around in dec...that those places turned gay. lol....litteraly. lol. i really dont know where most of the ppl went or for the 6 i kept up with....they just moved or still just chill at home.....wiith instector gadget. lol. oxoxox kit ok...oxoxo ray
Well i finally bought a new car.. (its not really new, but still)
i was planning on buying another truck, and was actually on my way to the dealership when i noticed this car sitting in a small car lot.. it took every bit of 5 minutes for me to make up my mind. Took it for a test drive, and like every other guy...
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i was planning on buying another truck, and was actually on my way to the dealership when i noticed this car sitting in a small car lot.. it took every bit of 5 minutes for me to make up my mind. Took it for a test drive, and like every other guy...
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meh SG auto crops pics 

so its been a long ass time since ive updated my SG profile. i rarely come on anymore, and normally when i do its because my account has expired. So i guess ill give everyone who might be interested a quick review of life as i know it..
started a new job recently, was going really great till they promoted me twice and made me...
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started a new job recently, was going really great till they promoted me twice and made me...
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im laughing now


so yea... work has been hell recently. but im sure everyone is tired of me and my constant rant about how much i hate my job. but you can piss off because thats about all i have to talk about because the feckin job is taking over my life!
umm... other than that ive been on a search for a new roommate, the search has...
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umm... other than that ive been on a search for a new roommate, the search has...
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happy birthday, bitch.xoxo

hey what's up?
yeah i live on the westside... don't really do much because theres nothing around here to do. i go to concerts sometimes when actual good ones come around. saw rob zombie last. i'll be going to orlando in a couple months to see lamb of god.
yeah i live on the westside... don't really do much because theres nothing around here to do. i go to concerts sometimes when actual good ones come around. saw rob zombie last. i'll be going to orlando in a couple months to see lamb of god.
so yea... this driving all over florida and georgia shit is getting very old, very fast.. i use to enjoy taking long drives but this is becoming rigoddamndiculous. i cannot possibly explain how fucking boring it is driving through the bumfuck towns ive never even heard of. then getting lost in them constantly because UPS cant find a better spot to put their warehouse besides...
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that's wild.
I'll calll you on Sunday..but i warn you...I have the bird flu..I can't get this cold or whatever to go away!!

its been awhile since ive done any type of update. ive been busy with my new job and hanging out with my son and friends so ive had very little time to post anything new here.
i started a new job 3 weeks ago at a place called Tire 1. ive been waiting on this job opening for years and finally got it, but my...
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i started a new job 3 weeks ago at a place called Tire 1. ive been waiting on this job opening for years and finally got it, but my...
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Hello again..sorry I haven't been around b/c I lost my internet connection for a week or so.
Went to H2o and Pennywise last night at Plush. Fun.., but shows just don't seem the same nowadays. Toby from H2o was talking about not forgetting your roots and all the bands that inspired all the new music ie..Descendents, Circle Jerks, Rancid, ect... (he went on)...but it made me a little sad b/c I miss the atmosphere from shows back in the day. I just haven't felt it and I've been to a few in the past couple months (Social D, Strung Out ect..). Ahhh well..*sigh*
Whatcha been up to lately? How often do you usually update? I slack most of the time, but I been trying to do it more after being gone for a looong time. I used to be here everyday..just doesn't seem the same here anymore know I'm seeing a pattern must be ME then..
Take care....
EDITED TO ADD: I email'd you back....
[Edited on Sep 22, 2005 3:26PM]
Went to H2o and Pennywise last night at Plush. Fun.., but shows just don't seem the same nowadays. Toby from H2o was talking about not forgetting your roots and all the bands that inspired all the new music ie..Descendents, Circle Jerks, Rancid, ect... (he went on)...but it made me a little sad b/c I miss the atmosphere from shows back in the day. I just haven't felt it and I've been to a few in the past couple months (Social D, Strung Out ect..). Ahhh well..*sigh*
Whatcha been up to lately? How often do you usually update? I slack most of the time, but I been trying to do it more after being gone for a looong time. I used to be here everyday..just doesn't seem the same here anymore know I'm seeing a pattern must be ME then..

Take care....
EDITED TO ADD: I email'd you back....
[Edited on Sep 22, 2005 3:26PM]
saying hey...hows it going?
soooo feckin raarrrr!
i swear at this point im lucky i dont carry my pistol in my car anymore cos i would have flipped my fucking wig and shot mass ammounts of people today.
i think my company sells to the absolute most ignorant bunch of sons of bitchs on the face of this planet, and if one more person cancels their order when im...
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i swear at this point im lucky i dont carry my pistol in my car anymore cos i would have flipped my fucking wig and shot mass ammounts of people today.
i think my company sells to the absolute most ignorant bunch of sons of bitchs on the face of this planet, and if one more person cancels their order when im...
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fine...I'll call you tomorrow.

nite, bitch.

work has been overwhelming lately, seems we have been pulling 10+ hours everyday lately so that has left me with little time for anything else. then add the fact that i moved out of my apartment and ive had absolutely no free time.. i hope these days start calming down some, its too damn hot to be outside all day long =\
ill get back...
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ill get back...
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I definitely LOVE being able to go out and be flirty and not have anything to worry about! It's great

Yeah, my grandfather was awesome too, sucks I rarely got to see him
I ended up having to fly up here which the thought of it scared the piss outta me but I found someone to give me a xanax to keep me calm, I just slept most of the way. I've got an appointment at the Toyota dealership to fix the CD player, hopefully they'll be able to.. if not, and you're capable of doing so, it'd be great if you could help!
Have a fun weekend. Don't drive too fast, theres cops EVERYWHERE!

you've got mail.