I'm starting to really get annoyed with the people that show up at the bar I go to every Wednesday night. There's this one guy who goes there, who happens to also work there on certain nights, who thinks he fucking owns the place or something. He'll come in wasted off his ass and be loud and obnoxious. The jukebox in there gets broke a lot so they set up this computer system to play music if it dies....well last night the jukebox was working, people were pumping money into it, etc etc. And this asshole goes over and puts the computer on, puts a CD in, turns the speakers for the jukebox off, and the speaker for the computer on and UP so loud that no one could hear themselves think. The jukebox was still on so people were still putting money into it.
I didn't care about what music was playing, just how loud it was. And it was some shitty drum and bass shit with the bass turned ALLL the way up coming out of one tiny speaker. We asked someone to turn it down and they looked at us like who the fuck we were. His friend finally went and shut the CD off because so many people were complaining.
My other gripes in no particular order:
1) The people who want to leave their drink at my table to walk outside for whatever. I would never leave my drink with complete strangers. The asshole last night had a glass of wine that he left at my table. Seriously, who drinks wine at a tiny hole in the wall pub that only serves beer and wine?
2) We usually have about 6 to 8 people with us and we sit at the same table every week. When it gets busy around 10:30/11:00 there are literally no more chairs for anyone in the bar. When one of my friends will get up to use the bathroom or go outside to use the phone, literally within seconds someone will come over and ask if they can have the chair. Sometimes I'll get so mad (especially when they were standing right there and knew someone was sitting there) I'll be like "You fucking saw the guy just get up and go to the bathroom, you know the chair is taken." Sometimes they'll start taking the chair first before asking and when you say no they'll go "okay" and keep walking with it until you scream at them.
There's probably some other things, I just can't think of them right now.
I didn't care about what music was playing, just how loud it was. And it was some shitty drum and bass shit with the bass turned ALLL the way up coming out of one tiny speaker. We asked someone to turn it down and they looked at us like who the fuck we were. His friend finally went and shut the CD off because so many people were complaining.
My other gripes in no particular order:
1) The people who want to leave their drink at my table to walk outside for whatever. I would never leave my drink with complete strangers. The asshole last night had a glass of wine that he left at my table. Seriously, who drinks wine at a tiny hole in the wall pub that only serves beer and wine?
2) We usually have about 6 to 8 people with us and we sit at the same table every week. When it gets busy around 10:30/11:00 there are literally no more chairs for anyone in the bar. When one of my friends will get up to use the bathroom or go outside to use the phone, literally within seconds someone will come over and ask if they can have the chair. Sometimes I'll get so mad (especially when they were standing right there and knew someone was sitting there) I'll be like "You fucking saw the guy just get up and go to the bathroom, you know the chair is taken." Sometimes they'll start taking the chair first before asking and when you say no they'll go "okay" and keep walking with it until you scream at them.
There's probably some other things, I just can't think of them right now.
haha, I'm the asshole at the tiny bars that drinks wine too... oh, and get pissed when they can't even carry a bottle of it to please my tastes.