Hope everybody has had a great weekend! It's time for Part 2 of @fredhincanada's seven week challenge! If you missed Part 1, you can check it out HERE, in which you'll also find a link to @fredhincanada's original blog post.
Today we're going to tackle:
1. Tell us about one of your favorite songs of all time.
I feel like this is a question that *sounds* easy, but in reality is quite difficult for most people. I personally go through phases when it comes to songs and genres and whatnot. Sometimes I want my cheesy power metal, sometimes I want my 2000's pop-punk. What's going to be a tad weird here is that my selection for all-time favorite song isn't even by what I would consider my all-time favorite band. Is that weird? I feel like that's weird. Anyway, we're going with Ghost Love Score by Nightwish. Now while I love the original with their first singer, Tarja, this song *really* hits another level for me on the live version with the current singer, Floor.
I simply cannot explain the feeling that I experience when listening to this song. I literally tear up and get chills at the 8:02 - 9:30 section. I understand if you don't listen to the whole thing given that it's over 10 minutes, but I highly recommend that easier-to-digest 90 seconds. There's something about the octave change and the way she rolls her voice at the end that just takes me to a completely different dimension. I've been lucky enough to see them live in concert three times and they've played this song in two of them. Completely breathtaking each time.
Thanks for reading! Hope you all have a great week! See you next Sunday.