I… I did it… I made a Patreon page, eventually !
Right now, I’m taking baby steps. It opens lots of possibilities ! So if you wanna join in, if you like my art and want to support its creation and its creator : become a Patreon !
I've been battling forever the idea of trying this Patreon’s experiment. I almost launched a page more than a year ago, actually, and left it unfinished. I was reluctant, mainly because I have stupid, paralyzing issues with money, commitment and dependency. (yes, I know it's wrong, I’m working on it). Also because I'm stuck with the dilemma of being so multi task ! I like to have a finger in many pies, so I may one day be focusing on comics, or illustration, and then switch to photography, or video, and I never know what unexpected new interest will arise the next day.
I’d do Patreon to create what I really want to create, without much « profitability concerns », just more art-thingies… for the sake of it. It feels whatever happens, I just can't stop creating visual art. It's what I'm here for, it keeps me breathing through life.
But that would be both interesting to hear from pledgers, and see if I create more freely - how your feedback and support will influence or help me, and/or free me from restraint. I’ve grown a bit more distant and secluded from internet-network and blogging these last years, I needed retreat. But doing so, I also stepped away from my habits of oversharing and pouring my life in my art creations, it cut me from exchanges and feedbacks, critics and advices : I feel a link both positive and negative have been broken in the process - I miss it ! Therefore I hope for that platform to be a space of renewed blogging and open discussion - both ways.
So, are you on for a visual stream ? I plan of sharing travel photo diary, original sketches and illustrations, short films, one-minute-portrait videos, ramblings, lots of questionings, poetry, step-by-step creative process, tutorials maybe, un-predictable art-things ! I’ll probably start a few more-focused-projects (some are already on-going) to follow through here.
So. If you enjoyed my blog and my creations, if you miss my works, my pictures, my nude, my constant ramblings, here is the place to find it all again. You can support my art, as much as you want, as long as you wish : become a Patreon !