Damn, I just realized that I'm a week behind on checkin' in..! Y'all know what it's like when WORK is stacking up, right? It SUCKS, but the BILLZ gotta be paid! Hmm, come to think about it though - this past week was pretty TAME compared to other weeks!
I'm still trying to close escrow on my condo (this shit is draggin' on 4-ever) so that I can get this warehouse in Torrance. Yeah, I wanna do the DAN TANNA this (U remember the TV show "Vegas" don't cha?) and have my shop on one half, and my living space on the other! My place is gonna be ROCKIN' in just a few more months.. I hope!
So.. What's new with the rest of the family? Any NEW news out there? Oh well SG's , I'm outta here - the BELL TOLLS for me right about now. So just remember to...
Keep it REAL
Keep it TIGHT
Keep it RIGHT

I'm still trying to close escrow on my condo (this shit is draggin' on 4-ever) so that I can get this warehouse in Torrance. Yeah, I wanna do the DAN TANNA this (U remember the TV show "Vegas" don't cha?) and have my shop on one half, and my living space on the other! My place is gonna be ROCKIN' in just a few more months.. I hope!

So.. What's new with the rest of the family? Any NEW news out there? Oh well SG's , I'm outta here - the BELL TOLLS for me right about now. So just remember to...
Keep it REAL
Keep it TIGHT
Keep it RIGHT

You are so damn sweet. I've missed you.