Well, it's MID-WEEK and 1/2 way to Friday! So far, so good in my book - but as I read some of the journal's here I see that alot of the SG family are a little bit "down"
Now I know that it has to be a temporary type of situation, right? I hope so because I get a real kick outta this place. About 99.998% of the people that I've made contact on here are COOL as a
(<---Cadillac Margarita)
I just wanna also give HUGGZ out to Demonika for being such a cool chick "Wassup"!!! Okey dokey, I've said my piece for today, y'all have a nice one and "try" to stay outta trouble.... Unless you're really looking for some - then kick ASS!

Now I know that it has to be a temporary type of situation, right? I hope so because I get a real kick outta this place. About 99.998% of the people that I've made contact on here are COOL as a

I just wanna also give HUGGZ out to Demonika for being such a cool chick "Wassup"!!! Okey dokey, I've said my piece for today, y'all have a nice one and "try" to stay outta trouble.... Unless you're really looking for some - then kick ASS!

Hey Man! Yes, Man on Fire really is that good. I was surprised. Denzel's good in everything, but his character was a lot meaner than in other movies (except for Training Day). Well worth checking out.

Sorry no comic books. All my beavis and butthead ones were destroyed by flooding water
Its really shitty i lost about 500 books too gah.