Wake up, wake up..!
Don't let this beautiful Saturday just pass you by like last week!! Oh, okay - you can sleep, but just for a few more hours...
As for me - I'm getting UP and OUT early so I can pay these fucking BILLS and handle all the little shit that I let slide for the last 2 weeks!
Bills, bills, bills - when will they ever end? It's like when you pay one bill, then there's another, then another.. No END in sight!
Aw fuck it! It's part of that thing called "Growing Up", right?
Oh well, I've had my Cap'n Crunch, my (3) pieces of toast and my OJ - so I'm outta here, y'all have a COOL & EASY day, aiiight? Later

Bills, bills, bills - when will they ever end? It's like when you pay one bill, then there's another, then another.. No END in sight!

Oh well, I've had my Cap'n Crunch, my (3) pieces of toast and my OJ - so I'm outta here, y'all have a COOL & EASY day, aiiight? Later

but lately i come to think i might fail and end up a loser.