Well I added some photos I have , not very many though most of them were just too damn big. I will try and crop them down some but it just seems like alot of work so I don't know how long it will take. Today was a long day so I will make my phone calls then leave I guess but I hope evryone...
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The pics kick ass! What the fuck are they giving you to drive? 113A2s?!? Oh, your right side final drive is leaking... Let's update that 2404, hooahh?
What does it mean when an old friends name is crossed out on your screen I don't understand . Bored bored bored . I'm bored this sucks can't wait to go home . Was gonna buy camcorder but I am not gonna pay 500 for it so I will wait till the cheaper ones are in stock I guess . I don't know we will...
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i think out parents have alot to answer for!
mine threw out, yes threw out! all my originals
mine threw out, yes threw out! all my originals
We shall forever call them El Bastardos
buying a camcorder it should be interesting I think, we will see
WTO= World Trade Organisation (part of the imperialistic wetern agenda promoters). I give the odd lecture or talk on subjects that I specialise on academically. Radical feminism is one of those specialist subjects!
Yeah! Buy a camcorder and film loads of stuff whilst you are out there. I'm sure you don't mean you are buying a camcorder in Iraq but I wish you did!
Yeah! Buy a camcorder and film loads of stuff whilst you are out there. I'm sure you don't mean you are buying a camcorder in Iraq but I wish you did!
OK I'm over it now. Still A little pissed but I just keep saying "think of your new computer your buying" Its gonna be sweet dropping 2 grand for video card , ram , monitor , harddrive and maybe a liquid cooling system.
So here it is most of our shit is packed all we have to do is grab our clothes and personal gear we use and leave. Tracks are prepped family notified 3 weeks left, right , wrong. We have been extended indefinitely. What the fuck does that mean. Everyone else in our task force is going south , hence home , what are we doing...
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Man! I am so, so sorry for you! There is little I, or most other people can say as few of us have ever been in a situation like that.
Something you said earlier made me think a bit (even though you were joking):
hate the army and what it stands for
Whatever I feel about the fundamental wrong that was the war on Iraq, the last people I blame are the armies. You guys are the ones who risk your lives, face the day-to-day nasty shit that would probably make most people's head explode. There is great potential for the armed forces to do good in this world and that includes in Iraq. But.... for you now being told you are staying out there just reeks.
Take it easy pal and look after yourself!
Something you said earlier made me think a bit (even though you were joking):
hate the army and what it stands for
Whatever I feel about the fundamental wrong that was the war on Iraq, the last people I blame are the armies. You guys are the ones who risk your lives, face the day-to-day nasty shit that would probably make most people's head explode. There is great potential for the armed forces to do good in this world and that includes in Iraq. But.... for you now being told you are staying out there just reeks.
Take it easy pal and look after yourself!
Well it happened we finaly shot the wrong people you know you look down while driving down the road while looking for explosives on the side of the road, a car comes at you, you wave him back, he doesnt stop, you see mad guns, you shoot, right, wrong umfortunately it was an armed AMERICAN escort who didn't understand the universal sign for do not...
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I was really referring historically when talking about multiple religions (although in parts of Iraq, traditional pre-Islamic rituals are still practiced). If you call one group leading an elitist western supported revolution back in '79, people-led then ok but it ain't the kind of democracy we know and love!
I won't bang on about every point but I would like you to understand that many countries have never had the luxury of choosing who leads them. What is wrong is to bomb and kill the very people who, according to the rhetoric, we are going to save and emancipate- it is just fundamentally wrong especially when they are some of the most needy and oppressed people on the planet (facing the 'shock and awe' of US technological weaponry does not feel like salvation to most over there). By the way, I always use 'we' when talking about the West to prevent myself from sounding too pompous and removed.
I was genuinely shocked but also fascinated in what you said about the things you have seen. You guys are facing the brunt of things and I feel for you.
I hope you don't think I'm being too patronising when I say that you are obviously a highly intelligent guy (even if your grammar is atrocious
) You are interested and well-read and that is important if you are to consider what you are part of. We probably couldn't be much further apart on the political spectrum (Although I harbour the view that in a different circumstances you would think a little differently but then I'm a diehard optimist) but I'm glad to extend the hand of friendship to you as it has been interesting talking to you.
Take it easy my friend and if you ever come across any boys from RTR2 (Royal Tank Regiment 2) out there given them a friendly shout!
I won't bang on about every point but I would like you to understand that many countries have never had the luxury of choosing who leads them. What is wrong is to bomb and kill the very people who, according to the rhetoric, we are going to save and emancipate- it is just fundamentally wrong especially when they are some of the most needy and oppressed people on the planet (facing the 'shock and awe' of US technological weaponry does not feel like salvation to most over there). By the way, I always use 'we' when talking about the West to prevent myself from sounding too pompous and removed.
I was genuinely shocked but also fascinated in what you said about the things you have seen. You guys are facing the brunt of things and I feel for you.
I hope you don't think I'm being too patronising when I say that you are obviously a highly intelligent guy (even if your grammar is atrocious

Take it easy my friend and if you ever come across any boys from RTR2 (Royal Tank Regiment 2) out there given them a friendly shout!
DVSSKUNK is a badass and doesn't need me to defend him but I have to take exception with Iago80's wrong execution of the right idea. I don't necessarily disagree with your macro-political statements but I do question what relevance they have to someone facing the end of a broken bottle every day.
It's not DVSSKUNK's job to consider what he is a part of - it's his job to complete his mission, stay alive and help his mates do the same. When he's back on the block and out of harm's way, he can explicate the nuances of US foreign policy.
It's not DVSSKUNK's job to consider what he is a part of - it's his job to complete his mission, stay alive and help his mates do the same. When he's back on the block and out of harm's way, he can explicate the nuances of US foreign policy.
So here we are two months before it is time for us to go and we are pulling twenty-four hour ops at some bullshit gas station because IP's like to steal gas and assault our guards. The other they tried to run a guard over so we shot them and they still haven't learned there lesson yet every time they try to cut in line...
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Welcome to SG Mil
Welcome to the party pal. You'll be pissing off a lot of folks I'm sure, but that's half the fun.