Ok so I have been on leave for almost 3 weeks now I figured I would say what has been going on.
Well first I went to Colorado and chilled with the folks and various other peeps. Drank alot did some other stuff I shouldn't have done
. All in all it was great but then it was time to hop in my car and head to Mass. It took like 3 days of straight driving but I finally made it to see my boring relatives. I love these guys to death but they don't drink or anything, except my one uncle who is burnt crispy but i still love him. We did some fishing but generally just rode around and visited. Then I shot up to Maiine to see a buddy where I proceeded to get drunk beyond any kind of recognition don't remember shit but they say I had fun, I believe them. Then went back to Ma to visit some more and then to Conn to see another friend. Didn't stay long just long enough say hi and have some coffee.
I thought I was all smart leaving at night to get through new york city but I failed to realize they work on the roads at night so it took forever to get through. Then as soon as I hit the city it started pooring I missed my exit and got lost had to wake a friend up to help me get out. So I finally made it past that whole DC bullshit lunch time traffic and it was open roads from there. Stopped in North carolina did some shopping at a tourist trap and then headed to Myrtle Beach SC stopped ont the way to get fire works then continued on. Got to MB ate at some plush Japenese restaurant called Yomatos which was great, and proceeded to visit different bars until 6 in the morning
I loved it. crashed for a few hours then headed to Orlando where I am now going to Universal Studios tomorrow and ditching my sister and mom to go club hopping sat night. I like it but I need pussy hanging out with relatives is kind of a drag
Well first I went to Colorado and chilled with the folks and various other peeps. Drank alot did some other stuff I shouldn't have done

I thought I was all smart leaving at night to get through new york city but I failed to realize they work on the roads at night so it took forever to get through. Then as soon as I hit the city it started pooring I missed my exit and got lost had to wake a friend up to help me get out. So I finally made it past that whole DC bullshit lunch time traffic and it was open roads from there. Stopped in North carolina did some shopping at a tourist trap and then headed to Myrtle Beach SC stopped ont the way to get fire works then continued on. Got to MB ate at some plush Japenese restaurant called Yomatos which was great, and proceeded to visit different bars until 6 in the morning

Hey honey...where are you landing?

Happy Memorial Day, doll...