So today I befriended a swarm of typhidic mosquitos. They are a lively bunch, and oh so loyal. Why just today we invaded a village, razed the houses, raped the horses and road off on the women. I have decided to put our services out for hire so if anyone is interested in making your arch nemesis's life a living hell, just get ahold of me. Will work for beer.
41 days till the alcohol induced coma
Todays sond: Barbie world by: MXPX
41 days till the alcohol induced coma

Todays sond: Barbie world by: MXPX
It's not teasing, it's enticing. How are you? We get worried when we don't see you for a couple of know how the girls are...can't have you in danger. Be well...

I shall write a note to you CO, "I'm sorry sir, but dvsskunk is not allowed to neglect his priorites to the ladies in the electronic world...Thank you, Josephene..."