So I am driving down the road when all of a sudden, FWOOMP the percussion knocks my head against my hatch and I loose al my senses for a half a second. I shake it off and see the black cloud of smoke engulf my vehicle, out of the corners of my eyes I think I can see pieces of my track flying off as we move. I can smell the acrid smell of large amounts of PE4 in the air. Subconciously I start to freak out because I can't see shit behind me. I start hearing and feeling shit. People screaming, heat like the track was burning behind me. I turn my head to check my TC hes ok and it looks like I hallucinated it all, except for the explosion. We get turned around and start pulling security all behind us you can see the white phosphorous burning on the road. No one was hurt so we left. If we had been one second later every one in the back of my track would be crispy. Two seconds later and they would have been cutting WP out of my face like in We Were Soldiers Once.
56 more days till my alcohol induced coma.
56 more days till my alcohol induced coma.
How scary! Are you okay? I hope so.

I thought I told you, Private, I am breaking my 2 beer limit rule for when we knock 'em back. Also, be advised that you don't have to adjust your road trip to swing by here (though you'll be welcome to crash out in my soon to be empty-ass house). I can always take a few days off work and be wherever you're going to be that's relatively close to my AO.