What does it mean when an old friends name is crossed out on your screen I don't understand . Bored bored bored . I'm bored this sucks can't wait to go home . Was gonna buy camcorder but I am not gonna pay 500 for it so I will wait till the cheaper ones are in stock I guess . I don't know we will see it might be a good investment . I will be able to look back on this and laugh plus show some peeps the type of shit I did over here . Trying to expand my friends list it might work maybe not they keep disapearing . Like in some alien movie or something . Maybe I'm just bad luck , thats probably closer to the mark but fuck them if they can't take a joke . I'm also trying to work on my typing and punctuation I have hit a brick wall though , it probably has something to do with the fact I don't give a fuck and never have , I should work on that I will be starting college classes when I get back . Maybe if I had something useful to say instead of this incoherent banter , I would suceed in my goal . You know what they say though , right " fuck it".
mine threw out, yes threw out! all my originals