Well it happened we finaly shot the wrong people you know you look down while driving down the road while looking for explosives on the side of the road, a car comes at you, you wave him back, he doesnt stop, you see mad guns, you shoot, right, wrong umfortunately it was an armed AMERICAN escort who didn't understand the universal sign for do not pass we shot the driver well not me personnaly i am a driver but i got blamed too personaly i'm glad the guy didn't die but he shouldnt come speeding up on people who are already as nervous as a long tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs. I hope he learned his lesson. In lieu of the matter the cut our missions in half and they are pretty pissed the shooter isn't gonna get an article15 but hes still in trouble due to some ROE bullshit it will be ok only a month left till we hit kuwait it can't get here soon enough
I won't bang on about every point but I would like you to understand that many countries have never had the luxury of choosing who leads them. What is wrong is to bomb and kill the very people who, according to the rhetoric, we are going to save and emancipate- it is just fundamentally wrong especially when they are some of the most needy and oppressed people on the planet (facing the 'shock and awe' of US technological weaponry does not feel like salvation to most over there). By the way, I always use 'we' when talking about the West to prevent myself from sounding too pompous and removed.
I was genuinely shocked but also fascinated in what you said about the things you have seen. You guys are facing the brunt of things and I feel for you.
I hope you don't think I'm being too patronising when I say that you are obviously a highly intelligent guy (even if your grammar is atrocious
Take it easy my friend and if you ever come across any boys from RTR2 (Royal Tank Regiment 2) out there given them a friendly shout!
It's not DVSSKUNK's job to consider what he is a part of - it's his job to complete his mission, stay alive and help his mates do the same. When he's back on the block and out of harm's way, he can explicate the nuances of US foreign policy.