ok, so after the whole sexy costume thing, i ended up at a costume party...i wasn't going to a costume party, just going to the poolhall i go to with my cowboy to have a couple newcastles n shoot some pool...lo n behold, there was a costume party at the club. i was disturbingly over dressed. my boobies were cleaving, of course, but that's to be expected... but here are a couple comments on the costume front...
~earlier before i went out, my best friend called me to discuss her impending night out with many friends (and or boring old farts) at a gwen stefani concert as a prezzie for her old mna's 13 year old's bday. i was teasing her, saying she should dress as a hirojuko(sp?) grrl, then i said she should dress as 'rainbow brite'. she didn't think i was funny...then at the poolhall, there were 3 GRRLS DRESSED AS RAINBOW BRITE!!! ok, srsly, were any of these barely legal grrls old enough to even remember rainbow brite? anywayz.
~then i actually had a chance to speak with the first of the rainbow brites that arrived...she was pretty sweet and as i found out upon talking to her, her mother had raised her with a sense of decency... she had originally ordered a flapper costume off of 3wishes.com and when it arrived it turned out to be totally see-thru. the grrls boyfriend told her to just wear it, but she refused, protesting that she couldn't go out in public like that. and in all honesty, she could have, she had the body for it and it wouldn't have been revolting. but hey, let me applaud her for having some sense about her. she actually hugged me after our little conversation.
~then there was the grrl in the pocahontas costume...dear gawd justbecause you can doesn't mean you should! i know this, i know the art of camoflage, as well. this grrl's costume left nothing to the imagination and it really should have. i know my legs aren't perfect, but DAMN! a little more length from the costume and perhaps some pantyhose of a sort and she would've been fine, but really, i hope she wasn't sad that she left alone...cuz really, it just looked horrible and i could just feel the indignation steaming off of her...looking at all the hot little chickies that FIT into their costumes and hating them instead of just making her costume work for her instead of against her. yeah, i get jealous when the skinny little hot things look all cute in their skimpy costumes, but hating them isn't going make me have any more fun. sdhe just looked pissed off, so very angry. really if she had just been comfortable in her costume she matbe wouldn't have had that soupuss on her face. but then again, thinking back on her, she is probably one of those chicks that's just full of hate and instead of doing something like going for a walk or eating some fruit, she probably just sits around hating skinny chicks n being angry n eating mcdonalds...
~but the best thing...i saw a guy in a messy blonde wif n bathrobes n slippers...i hollered DUDE in his direction, he turned n smiled, walked over n gave me a hug n went along, abiding as the dude does...
~earlier before i went out, my best friend called me to discuss her impending night out with many friends (and or boring old farts) at a gwen stefani concert as a prezzie for her old mna's 13 year old's bday. i was teasing her, saying she should dress as a hirojuko(sp?) grrl, then i said she should dress as 'rainbow brite'. she didn't think i was funny...then at the poolhall, there were 3 GRRLS DRESSED AS RAINBOW BRITE!!! ok, srsly, were any of these barely legal grrls old enough to even remember rainbow brite? anywayz.
~then i actually had a chance to speak with the first of the rainbow brites that arrived...she was pretty sweet and as i found out upon talking to her, her mother had raised her with a sense of decency... she had originally ordered a flapper costume off of 3wishes.com and when it arrived it turned out to be totally see-thru. the grrls boyfriend told her to just wear it, but she refused, protesting that she couldn't go out in public like that. and in all honesty, she could have, she had the body for it and it wouldn't have been revolting. but hey, let me applaud her for having some sense about her. she actually hugged me after our little conversation.
~then there was the grrl in the pocahontas costume...dear gawd justbecause you can doesn't mean you should! i know this, i know the art of camoflage, as well. this grrl's costume left nothing to the imagination and it really should have. i know my legs aren't perfect, but DAMN! a little more length from the costume and perhaps some pantyhose of a sort and she would've been fine, but really, i hope she wasn't sad that she left alone...cuz really, it just looked horrible and i could just feel the indignation steaming off of her...looking at all the hot little chickies that FIT into their costumes and hating them instead of just making her costume work for her instead of against her. yeah, i get jealous when the skinny little hot things look all cute in their skimpy costumes, but hating them isn't going make me have any more fun. sdhe just looked pissed off, so very angry. really if she had just been comfortable in her costume she matbe wouldn't have had that soupuss on her face. but then again, thinking back on her, she is probably one of those chicks that's just full of hate and instead of doing something like going for a walk or eating some fruit, she probably just sits around hating skinny chicks n being angry n eating mcdonalds...

~but the best thing...i saw a guy in a messy blonde wif n bathrobes n slippers...i hollered DUDE in his direction, he turned n smiled, walked over n gave me a hug n went along, abiding as the dude does...
Happy Halloween!