friday shoulda been great! trixie came by the gallery to hang for a bit n bring me my halloween prezzie(i love halloween prezzies!) and i was fine. got home after work n watched 'moonlight' and i was fine. then i relaized i had left up a photoset on the monitor here at the gallery n i really didn't want my boss to walk in on saturday morning to see nakey chicks on the commputer, so i walked back tot the gallery to shut off the computer...i THOUGHT i was fine. street faire was still sorta going and the teenagers were still out, normally this doesn't bother me, but there was one skating behind me, benig loud, it seemed just to gain some attn, and i suddenly felt the urge to swipe his deck AND BEAT HIM WITH IT!!! woooo! aggromanic! not so good. i pissed off the cowboy while i was on the pbone with him n he wasn't having it. i can't blame him, he has never dealt with me getting this way before and in all honety, i can't recall ever having felt my mania take that turn before. kinda scary. so i did what i needed to do at the gallery n went home. i was calmer, i called my cowboy n then wham...i'm in tears...not so much fun...
it should have been a great day...