well, my latest subscription to sg is almost up...and i really can't afford to renew right now. being poor sucks. i'll miss the makeup group...hopefully i'll be back in the red some day..then i can come abck n lust over the grrlies...
ok, so when you tell someone on here you're not interested and they continue trying to hookup with you and you've been polite and told them you're not interested...at what point do you tell them you're DONE? so a guy on here has sent me messages a few times offering to basically be my sugardaddy and i have told him every time in a polite... Read More
ok, yeah, i'm slacking again. i had a few rough days with my bipolar, just crawled up inside myself, but i'm doing ok. poor ronnie just doesn't know what to do when that happens. he says he's getting better about it, tho. it sucks that someone you love has to "get better about it", he shouldn't have to get used to it, get used to... Read More
wow...my brain isn't doing soo well right now. hasn't been for a few days. while i'm maintaining, i can totally feel that i'm down in a hole, i feel so small n crappy right now. i guess it's a good thing that my cowboy hasn't been feeling well n has been staying home n not coming over, cuz it just makes it so much harder... Read More
wow, i met the parents yesterday. i met pretty much the rest of his circle of friends...the ones i always hear about when he's doing his college football thing on saturdays...whilst i'm being football widow. he's so funny, he calls me all day long while he's with his friends just to say hi n let me knpw what he's up to, or tell me how... Read More
it's raining! OMIGAWD i couldn't be any happier unless my boss had called me n said she wasn't coming in n told me to stay home too...but she did call me n tell me to close early...like i wasn't going to anyways?
holy crap! evel kneivel is dead! this just seems so wrong!
oh gawd, so a month ago, i went to the dr for my annual...pap came back abnormal, so i had to go back for a colposcopy, but they only do this procedure on thursdays, then my period comes a week early cuz i'm so stressed out about having to have this procedure, so the colposcopy has to be pushed back an extra week. so i... Read More