so i got a B+ in english was expecting a B so im very pleased with that now if my other teacher would get off her ass and put her grades in id feel a little better thats all i have to say really about that today is going to be an interesting day going to see a play and a ballet today lots of...
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Ballets are mesmerizing. Hope you're having a great time!
schools out
Current mood: chipper
Category: Life

school is over at least for this semester ahnded in my final paper and took my last exam hell yes what did i learn this semester lets see well i was introduced to a writer d.h. lawrence to be exact which i thanked my english teacher for doing because i would have never known who the guy was...
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D.H. Lawrence was a true philosopher. I find his writing very enlightening, and comforting that, even if it was eons ago, I'm not the only mad-mind who has these feelings/beliefs/thoughts/ideas.

Years ago, I hated school, hated to read, and couldn't care less about learning. Now I'm constantly reading, usually many books at once and if I'm not learning something I'm very unhappy and feel incredibly unproductive. Growing (inside) with age I guess.

i would have to say i dont have enough hair to do the pigtails and reverse cowboy gets a little difficult sometimes but it's still a good one biggrin

my truth
Current mood: relaxed
Category: Life

its seems funny to me that evry time i sit down to type a blog i say to myself so what know what else do i have to get out what would sound good what will make u fell better what is honest and truth for u today because that is the story the truth for me today...
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Made perfect sense to me. And I fully agree.

One of my favorite quotes is something Ghandi said... "An-eye-for-an-eye will only leave the whole world blind."
just another day seems to be gettin better though all things considered i still have a couple things weighin on me though a final on friday and a paper due but i guess if that the worst of my troubles life is beautiful and why shouldnt it be i mean i walk talk live and breathe there r some deffinite advantages to that one being...
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so its funny how when we think we have it all figured out we actually dont at least that seems to be true for me im still in a very good space things are constantly changing for me from my attitude to how i feel about myself taking resposibility for one own actions is sort of refreshing in a way not like i dont do...
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after my time with ny buddy carson today i see why i love him so he sees to the core of me and makes my spirit light i see so much clearly in his presence it has been well needed it had been over a month since we last shared space i did not want to bring my funk on him after many hours cigs...
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Revelations like that are so liberating. I'm glad you've made this decision, even though I don't know you too well. It makes me happy for you. kiss
another boring night by myself staring into a computer screen what the fuck at least i got me right what evr shit u evr have one of thos fanatsies fuk that nvr mind bored and restless whats new guess ill just chk out some oics and my myspace buds oops they all have lives they are not on fuk im bored oh by the way...
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Oh, I have no life as well. You're not alone on that one.

"shit u evr have one of thos fanatsies fuk that nvr mind" Probably... but since you didn't interject, I couldn't say for sure.
so i got an actual cmment on my page wow this is special i mean seriously it took about a week or so iguess that not long in the sceme of things well nothing going on finals this week so studying and gotta work todasy blah catch ya later ;p
Good luck on the finals! I'm registering to go back to school (for the third time because I suck like that, lol) on Monday. confused
all we can do is the best we can with what we have. are we giving are best? or are we lacking effort and drive? are we scared of loving or being loved for who we are not what others want us to be? so many thoughts so many concerns. we are right where were suppose to be. ;p
Word up, brotha!

Greetings from the hurricane-blasted sandbar.
"its better to have loved and lost than never had loved at all blah everything happens for a reason ;p "

lol Yeah, I keep trying to tell myself that lie anyhow.

So what's the tat on your back? The pic's so pixelated I can't really see much aside from wings but it looks awesome.
dec 8th whatevr so over this shit i feel like posting my naked pics so i get some attention cause thats what it seems like you gotta do around here well what ever anothe quick entry nobody will read blah ;p