my back
Current mood: dirty
Category: Life
its was so nice and wake up being able to sleep on my back i take the little things for granted most of the time like being able to see or walk talk breathe be 6ft above ground its amusing that i can go around with a chip on my shoulder cause i dont have certain things you know what those things are you might even own some yourself or wish tha you had them the point is they dont make me who i am they are just distractions to the real deal they keep me blinded from the reality my truth which is evolving spiritually not materially anyhow im reading this book ad of late call the road less traveled it so far is a good book that i've really got in to there is aline in the book states that if you are trying to avoid pain or suffering then you should stop working on spiritual evolution wqhich i found quite refreshing for a book to come out and say it that without pain there would be no growth and without growth there is no movt wich for me is stagnating myself and my soul it is then that i got caught in the rat race tryin to keep up with the jones and im not sayin its bad to have things cause i have things we all need a dose of this world once in awhile however the true joy in my life comes through love and its not in any thing its in people and relationships i have with god, me and you reading this so all this started cause i was able to sleep on my back finally after a couple of days of uncomfortability so here it rings true without pain or suffering theres no growth and the growth that came small as it was it was necessary for me once again to learn that it is the little things in this world that bring my life meaning purpose pain love growth evolution i thank you all in my life for my lessons of me i hopei am able to return the favor one day so in this time of excess and lets take the time to apperciate the air we breathe and take a big ole deep breathe for those who can't-namaste-