i cried today
Current mood: satisfied
Category: Life
so today was a wierd day not bad wierd good wierd did things i never do i did them with passion as best i could i saw a play today and cried i dont cry its been years and i cried not just leaked but cried it was beautiful i felt my soul jump needless to say it was almost over due its been 3yrs since ive truly cried it felt great that this hard shell is melting away this armor i wear has gotten to heavy for me to wear i dont need it anymore i am not the best with people and i know this i have decide to make a concentrated effort to put the weapons and armor away and actually let people in to let my heart breathe for once i will be all there not just some but all later on the evening i saw a ballet first time for that i went by myself to see a beautiful soul spread her love it was an expereince that i will never forget this person has opened my eyes and soul up to many things that i could never truly thank her for nor repay her for my heart feels like its gonna burst out of my chest here i am a 28yr old boy fallin in love with the world around me and for the first time im letting myself sometimes i wish i was younger so i could some things diffferent or had a time machine to go back and give myself a stern talking to but then i wouldnt be sittin here bloggin about new feelings welling up inside me i only want to be a positive force in peoples life anymore and i only want positive souls surrounding me so ill say this once i cried today and it was for me but because of another that i was able to get there from here daniel is playin no more games this life will be an amends to all those in my past i shut out i'm truly sorry for all that i did not know that i know today but all of that has brought me here so i thank you all for allowing me to walk my path and to u that allow me to be soft and stupid little danny thanks you for allowing him to be him blah-namaste- ;p
This was beautiful to see. I wish I had of realized a lot a long time ago as well. But we're not old and decrepid yet. Life's all about learnng, and sometimes the lessons clostest to us are the hardest to learn. People, as a rule, are stubborn. We don't want to admit we need to see/feel/think/do things differently. It doesn't make you or me or anyone any less of a person. It just makes them... a person. And a good cry is always cathartic. I haven't had one in a long time. I usually stop myself when the tears start to come because I'm afraid to feel what might be felt if I continue. But, reading this, I see it's not a bad thing. The tears stop and you wipe them away with new eyes.