my truth
Current mood: relaxed
Category: Life
its seems funny to me that evry time i sit down to type a blog i say to myself so what know what else do i have to get out what would sound good what will make u fell better what is honest and truth for u today because that is the story the truth for me today i am well aware that truthh is subject to revision like all things are however finding my truth today is the task at hand and its pretty easy boils down to 3 things be honest with myself , express my needs and feelingsand tell the truth when i do these things daily i seem to be walking my path instead of searching for it as Ghandi once ssaid it is not the way to something it is the something fill in something for love,peace,truth,harmony etc... see thats the key for me to stop[ thinkin if im onm the path but to keep doing the things that lead that way hope thats roundabout enough for you so in the or front of my brain is this my truth what is my truth today going back to those 3 things daily makes it a lot easier and im able to function jowever doenst mean im perfect cause im not that where the truth is subject to revision and sometimes i need to be revised not my truths so to speak but me today is one of those days where my truth is solid and i feel good and for me thats okay for once nothing to horrible going on but theres always somtething extraordinary if i take the time to be on the path then search for it with all that being said and to be truthful i dont have anymore to say and i dont een know if that made sense to me-namaste- ;p
One of my favorite quotes is something Ghandi said... "An-eye-for-an-eye will only leave the whole world blind."