all we can do is the best we can with what we have. are we giving are best? or are we lacking effort and drive? are we scared of loving or being loved for who we are not what others want us to be? so many thoughts so many concerns. we are right where were suppose to be. ;p
More Blogs
Saturday Dec 17, 2005
so i got a B+ in english was expecting a B so im very pleased with th… -
Friday Dec 16, 2005
schools out Current mood: chipper Category: Life school is over … -
Thursday Dec 15, 2005
my truth Current mood: relaxed Category: Life its seems fu… -
Wednesday Dec 14, 2005
just another day seems to be gettin better though all things consider… -
Tuesday Dec 13, 2005
so its funny how when we think we have it all figured out we actually… -
Monday Dec 12, 2005
after my time with ny buddy carson today i see why i love him so he s… -
Saturday Dec 10, 2005
another boring night by myself staring into a computer screen what th… -
Saturday Dec 10, 2005
so i got an actual cmment on my page wow this is special i mean serio… -
Friday Dec 09, 2005
all we can do is the best we can with what we have. are we giving are… -
Thursday Dec 08, 2005
dec 8th whatevr so over this shit i feel like posting my naked pics s…
Greetings from the hurricane-blasted sandbar.
lol Yeah, I keep trying to tell myself that lie anyhow.
So what's the tat on your back? The pic's so pixelated I can't really see much aside from wings but it looks awesome.