water heater broke and flooded the apartment. so i had to take a bath the old fashioned way, boil water on the stove and mix it with cold water from the tub. it's interesting to look through a foot of seattle water. IT'S BROWN!!! homer simpson once commented on Springfield water by saying, "if it's brown, drink it down. if it's black, send it back." lol.
also, i read the fine print on my apartment lease today. it's so annoying and it always seems like they're just out to take advantage of people.
no friends
no pets,
no this
and no that
but HEY!
lead paint is ok...
definately not renewing this lease but then again... i've never renewed a lease anywhere. i like being nomadic!!! lol, i sleep in a tent in the living room for heaven's sake!!!
was looking at seed catalogs online today. it's fun! little known fact: i'm a plant person. currently growing: cacti, carnivarous plants, and lots of my own food.
since i'm into plants and poems today i'll end with a little ditty for ya'll (it's my fav poem).
roses are red
violets are blue
some poems rhyme
and some poems don't
the simpsons are great!
Hope things get better. Water damage is no fun. Hope your stuff didn'y get ruined.