suidegirls are definately popular. there is something thrilling about a hot, naked chick sending you messages. it would be very difficult to respond to and have personal relationships with every single person who tried contacting a suicidegirl!!! LOL, they can get more comments to a single journal entry then all of mine put together.
we're all just their groupies...
we're getting a new facility to keep our most dangerous microbes. the community is a little paranoid since we kept it secret for a while. seems a little shady... also the government might give us a huge grant to do bioterrorism stuff.
that's a lot of job opportunities for someone like me who specializes in disease. Pestilence and bioterrorism is my bread and butter! it works out cause i can finally buy my dani diamonds.
now all i need is a patch with the Umbrella Corporation logo i can sew onto my labcoat.

we're all just their groupies...
we're getting a new facility to keep our most dangerous microbes. the community is a little paranoid since we kept it secret for a while. seems a little shady... also the government might give us a huge grant to do bioterrorism stuff.
that's a lot of job opportunities for someone like me who specializes in disease. Pestilence and bioterrorism is my bread and butter! it works out cause i can finally buy my dani diamonds.
now all i need is a patch with the Umbrella Corporation logo i can sew onto my labcoat.


You would die if you saw my pajamas. They are all covered in CATS, cause I have a cat obsession. Not very sexy but big and comfy!
Love your tigger pants!

I wish I could help u. If i see a hobbes on the net ill let u know. I sewed a Hobbes patch onto the bottom of a pair of jeans. He is so cute there! That is a cute idea though, I kinda suck at sewing anything from scratch.