my first time going to a club wasn't as clubby as expected. it was pretty techno oriented so it was mostly us old ravers. no hoochie mammas or Abercrombie boys anywhere. i expected to stand around ackwardly all night looking out of place.
it was relieving but a little disappointing since i'd worked myself up for the club experience. driving there, i listened to that Night at the Roxbury song and did the little head banging dance!
:::sings like a black women:::
What is love?
baby don't hurt me!
don't hurt me, no more!
it was relieving but a little disappointing since i'd worked myself up for the club experience. driving there, i listened to that Night at the Roxbury song and did the little head banging dance!
:::sings like a black women:::
What is love?
baby don't hurt me!
don't hurt me, no more!