I just want to thank everyone for the continued support of my set. I realize I have been a bit distant from the site and I feel badly for being so out of touch. I've just been super busy. So many great sets in MR and the Hopefuls are fucking INCREDIBLE!!! Love the quality, creativity and beauty. I feel very fortunate to be a part of this community.
Work has been crazy busy and I cant complain. Im lucky to have a job, and especially a job that provides a positive atmosphere where everyone treats each other like family. I've been trying to get up the motivation to do some sewing. Some days I feel inspired and so I go into my sewing room...and then I end up just sitting there thinking "what the fuck". It kind of sucks.
I've also been giving myself some anatomy drawing lessons. I recently became familiar with drawing the arm in supination (palm down). The book I have is great. It takes you thru from bone to muscle to skin. Its all very fascinating to me. I am learning it because of my love for figure drawing. I feel understanding how the body works will only benefit my drawing. Its just a lot of work, but I've been happy doing it....just wish I could make some money at it. Ha!
Currently I am sitting on my couch watching a soccer match: Arsenal vs Chelsea. Neither team I care for, but I like the background noise. It makes me feel closer to the man in my life. I miss him. Its hard to care for someone who lives across the country...well, its easy to care about him, just hard to be away from him. But we are going to make things work. Anyways, wish I was in New York....still havent unpacked since I got back. It makes me sad. But my roommate told me she was going to kick my ass if I didnt unpack today, so I guess I better listen. Haha.
Working on a new set....well, gathering my thoughts and ideas. We'll see...
How has everyone else been?
my bare bum

Work has been crazy busy and I cant complain. Im lucky to have a job, and especially a job that provides a positive atmosphere where everyone treats each other like family. I've been trying to get up the motivation to do some sewing. Some days I feel inspired and so I go into my sewing room...and then I end up just sitting there thinking "what the fuck". It kind of sucks.
I've also been giving myself some anatomy drawing lessons. I recently became familiar with drawing the arm in supination (palm down). The book I have is great. It takes you thru from bone to muscle to skin. Its all very fascinating to me. I am learning it because of my love for figure drawing. I feel understanding how the body works will only benefit my drawing. Its just a lot of work, but I've been happy doing it....just wish I could make some money at it. Ha!
Currently I am sitting on my couch watching a soccer match: Arsenal vs Chelsea. Neither team I care for, but I like the background noise. It makes me feel closer to the man in my life. I miss him. Its hard to care for someone who lives across the country...well, its easy to care about him, just hard to be away from him. But we are going to make things work. Anyways, wish I was in New York....still havent unpacked since I got back. It makes me sad. But my roommate told me she was going to kick my ass if I didnt unpack today, so I guess I better listen. Haha.
Working on a new set....well, gathering my thoughts and ideas. We'll see...
How has everyone else been?
my bare bum

The team you should have been careing about is Chelsea by the way just thought id let you know :p lol xx
this summer,... world cup!!!