i was finally able to spend time with my nephew yesterday! he is the most adorable baby ever.

flying baby!!!

i had the best time with nephew Jackson. i love him soooo much
then of course after that, i went straight home to get into the situation. we had a couple friends over and we just sat there for hours laughing and listening to music whilst i managed to chain smoke probably a whole pack. gross.
since we named our spa "the situation" after jersey shores, a friend on SG suggested that we all come up with jersey shore inspired nicknames. so here's what we came up with:
me - "The D.A." because apparently i have a delicious ass....haha. the name almost ciggy for the amounts of
cigs i was smoking
hilary - "Borderline" because she likes to be "borderline" scared when having sex
autumn (my roommate) - "Ms P" cos she will pee just about anywhere....except in the situation...thank god
sara - "Sweaty" this name started with a mis-text that was supposed to say 'sweetie'. instead, she was called
yes, we really have nothing better to do with our time then to sit around and make up nicknames for each other, but i am ok with it
speaking of names, i was thinking of changing my SG name. i love its meaning, but no one really knows how to pronounce it and i would like to chose something that is actually more close to my real name, if not even use my real name, but maybe not.
so i was thinking:
Leesha or Lixia (same pronunciation, just different spelling 'lee-shuh')
or maybe
Leeshy or Lieshi (same pronunciation, just different spelling "lee-she')
i wanna know what YOU think. let me know your opinion/suggestions/thoughts
some new ladies have gone Pink since the last two days. makes me so happy!!!! you can see Ackley on the front page today. what a lil hottie she is!

Also, Lison is officially an SG too now! i loved her set La Muerita so much!!!



Pretty pretty girls!! oh how i LOVE them all
im still nakie in MR for you to love on....

thank you all so much who left me lovely comments and messages. i cant even tell you how it makes me smile and my days better to receive such sweet words from you all.

flying baby!!!

i had the best time with nephew Jackson. i love him soooo much

then of course after that, i went straight home to get into the situation. we had a couple friends over and we just sat there for hours laughing and listening to music whilst i managed to chain smoke probably a whole pack. gross.
since we named our spa "the situation" after jersey shores, a friend on SG suggested that we all come up with jersey shore inspired nicknames. so here's what we came up with:
me - "The D.A." because apparently i have a delicious ass....haha. the name almost ciggy for the amounts of
cigs i was smoking
hilary - "Borderline" because she likes to be "borderline" scared when having sex
autumn (my roommate) - "Ms P" cos she will pee just about anywhere....except in the situation...thank god
sara - "Sweaty" this name started with a mis-text that was supposed to say 'sweetie'. instead, she was called
yes, we really have nothing better to do with our time then to sit around and make up nicknames for each other, but i am ok with it
speaking of names, i was thinking of changing my SG name. i love its meaning, but no one really knows how to pronounce it and i would like to chose something that is actually more close to my real name, if not even use my real name, but maybe not.
so i was thinking:
Leesha or Lixia (same pronunciation, just different spelling 'lee-shuh')
or maybe
Leeshy or Lieshi (same pronunciation, just different spelling "lee-she')
i wanna know what YOU think. let me know your opinion/suggestions/thoughts
some new ladies have gone Pink since the last two days. makes me so happy!!!! you can see Ackley on the front page today. what a lil hottie she is!

Also, Lison is officially an SG too now! i loved her set La Muerita so much!!!



Pretty pretty girls!! oh how i LOVE them all

im still nakie in MR for you to love on....

thank you all so much who left me lovely comments and messages. i cant even tell you how it makes me smile and my days better to receive such sweet words from you all.

I know this is your fav...
Dedicated to Xochitl or Leesha?