So its 3:00am and I just got home from viewing the Leonid meteor showers with my two girlfriends. It was super fun, cold, and actually quite scary. Haha. The Delta can be pretty creepy, but we managed to relax and control our ridiculous fears (not that we weren't totally vulnerable to rape/murder/kidnapping/all-things-terrible). We also brought plenty of blankets to keep us cozy. The show was quite nice. We saw an array of sizes from huge and bright to small ghost-like meteors as well. I was just so happy to be with my friends. It was a great way to begin my day of birth
I was presented with roses and white chocolate sea animals. Love it.
Anyone else see the showers? It should last a few days, so I highly suggest it.

Anyone else see the showers? It should last a few days, so I highly suggest it.

Happy belated day of birth lovely lady, it looks like you girls had a blasty blast!!
White chocolate is my favorite treat!!!